script ffmpeg mplayer.txt

(2 KB) Pobierz
-S mean source

pacman -S yasm
pacman -S make
pacman -S autoconf automake
pacman -S diffutils
pacman -S patch
pacman -S git
pacman -S svn
pacman -S tar
pacman -S pkg-config

pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-gcc
pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-libtool
pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-cmake

pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-libtool
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake

set msyspackages=asciidoc autoconf automake-wrapper autogen bison diffstat dos2unix help2man ^
intltool libtool patch python xmlto make zip unzip git subversion wget p7zip mercurial man-db ^
gperf winpty texinfo gyp-git doxygen autoconf-archive itstool ruby( pacman -S 

set mingwpackages=cmake dlfcn libpng gcc nasm pcre tools-git yasm ninja pkg-config meson

:: built-ins
set ffmpeg_options_builtin=#amf #bzlib #cuda #cuvid #d3d11va #dxva2 ^
#iconv #lzma #nvenc #schannel #zlib #sdl2

:: common external libs
set ffmpeg_options_basic=gmp libmp3lame libopus libvorbis libvpx libx264 libx265

:: options used in zeranoe builds and not present above
set ffmpeg_options_zeranoe=fontconfig gnutls libass libbluray libfreetype ^
libmfx libmysofa libopencore-amrnb libopencore-amrwb libopenjpeg libsnappy ^
libsoxr libspeex libtheora libtwolame libvidstab libvo-amrwbenc libwavpack ^
libwebp libxml2 libzimg libshine gpl openssl libtls avisynth

:: options also available with the suite
set ffmpeg_options_full=chromaprint cuda-sdk decklink frei0r libbs2b libcaca ^
libcdio libfdk-aac libflite libfribidi libgme libgsm libilbc libkvazaar ^
libmodplug libnpp libopenh264 libopenmpt librtmp librubberband libssh ^
libtesseract libxavs libxvid libzmq libzvbi opencl opengl libvmaf libcodec2

:: built-ins
set mpv_options_builtin=#cplayer #manpage-build #lua #javascript #libass ^
#encoding #libbluray #uchardet #rubberband #lcms2 #libarchive #libavdevice ^
#shaderc #crossc #d3d11 #jpeg

:: overriden defaults
set mpv_options_basic=--disable-debug-build "--lua=luajit"

:: all supported options
set mpv_options_full=dvdread dvdnav cdda egl-angle vapoursynth html-build ^
pdf-build libmpv-shared

set iniOptions=msys2Arch arch license2 vpx2 x2643 x2652 other265 flac fdkaac mediainfo soxB ffmpegB2 ffmpegUpdate ^
ffmpegChoice mp4box rtmpdump mplayer2 mpv cores deleteSource strip pack logging bmx standalone updateSuite ^
aom faac ffmbc curl cyanrip redshift

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