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Test 17


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Zdania okolicznikowe



Zakreśl spójniki, które najlepiej uzupełniają zdania.

I’ll call you till / after / and we land.

a      The film was boring, because / so / although we left the cinema in the middle of it.

b      We should wait till / unless / before they finish the meeting.

c       Her English is quite good, because / after / but she needs to work on her pronunciation.

d      Unless / After / While you tell me what’s happened, I won’t be able to help you.

e      I’ve lent him my car after / though / because I trust him.

f       I’ll make coffee for everybody while / or / so you’re making breakfast.

g       She’s quite intelligent, or / though / because she can also be a bit arrogant.

h      We can go out and / or / but stay in it’s up to you.

i        Mr Johnson would like to talk to you although / while / before you go home.



k          I’ll let you know but / if / and I have a better idea than that.

They kept talking while I was trying to do my homework. 1                2                3                4                5                6               




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