Boehme_for_Beginners_ by-Cynthia_Bourgeault.pdf

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Cynthia Bourgeault
Jacob Boehme, the great German mystic, is renowned for his obscurity.
What's the best way to approach his work? Experientially.
o gain access to the complex and beautiful cosmology of Jacob Boehme
there is, I think, one all-important secret: it is necessary to approach him
with the same mind in which he received his mystical illumination.
It was in deep contemplative stillness that this German
shoemaker, gazing at a pewter dish sparkling in the sun-
light, was suddenly swept up in such a firestorm of uni-
tive vision that "in one quarter of an hour I saw and knew
more than if I had been many years together at a univer-
Twelve years passed before he was able to fashion his
cosmic revelation into words; even then they are — to
borrow from e.e. cummings — "such great writhing words,
as uttering overmuch, stand helplessly before the spirit at
To approach Boehme's teachings from a philosophical
mindset simply won't work. His thinking moves in jagged
leaps; in many places he contradicts himself as he grapples
for concepts to express the truth grasped unitively, in one
great gulp of higher mind.
Boehme is one of those underground geniuses of the
Christian mystical path. He is read in virtually no semi-
naries of either Roman Catholic or Protestant persuasion,
and even eminent contemporary theologians stumble over
his name (one of my acquaintances refers to him as Jacob
as in
La Boheme;
in older versions his name is
sometimes rendered as "Behmen"). His work is kept alive
principally through the steady attention of the Christian
Hermetic tradition, and through an ongoing handful of
devotees in the Christian mainstream, ranging from An-
gelus Silesius in the seventeenth century through Evelyn
Underhill in the twentieth.
Boehme would doubtless have considered himself an
unlikely bearer of such sweeping revelation. Born of peas-
ant stock in 1575, near the town of Gorlitz in southeast-
ern Germany, he was trained as a shoemaker, married the
butcher's daughter, fathered four sons, and for most of his
external life lived a stable and conventional existence. But
inwardly, his brooding and dreamy nature was preparing
to receive that overpowering revelation in 1600 and the
twelve years of disequilibrium and spiritual seeking that fol-
lowed it.
At last, in 1612, his first book, the
was com-
pleted, only to fall into the hands of Gregorius Richter,
the chief pastor of Gorlitz, who attacked Boehme violently
for heresy and maneuvered a decree forbidding him to
write for five years. But his work continued to circulate
among the Gorlitz intelligentsia, where it won him many
admirers, particularly among the students of Hermetic phi-
losophy and mysticism. In 1619 Boehme took up the pen
again, and in the five years before his death in 1624 he
completed all his major works.
I had long suspected that the contemporary meditational
Fall 1997 / Gnosis Magazine 29
ers will feel intrigued to explore further along these lines,
offer feedback, and refine as motivated.
In this project, I am in part attempting to rescue Boehme
from that aura of arcaneness that is so intimidating to most
readers. I myself felt drawn toward Boehme for many years
(it turns out that one of his earliest English disciples, William
Law, is a distant forebear of mine), but had always been
warned that without extensive knowledge of medieval
alchemy it would be useless to proceed.
The alchemical aspect is definitely there, and I suspect
that initiated Hermeticists travel much further into Boehme
than I. But Boehme's importance is not limited to this
realm, nor is it accessible only within it. Boehme offers a
remarkably unified Christian metaphysic, with cosmology
and psychology reinforcing each other in a powerful trans-
formative path. This path needs to be recovered and pre-
sented in a way that will invite more people to explore this
powerful visionary, whose works, I believe, still hold the
key to what inner Christianity is all about.
For me, the significance of Boehme's work can be
summed up at both a macrocosmic and microcosmic level
in his deep understanding that will, desire, pain, and an-
guish are the raw materials through which something pow-
erful and mighty is brought to pass. God is love, to be sure,
but love is itself the triumphant issue of a process whose
eternal, hidden building blocks are in desire, pain, and an-
guish. Thus these things are not to be feared or denied in
my life but
And so I propose that we move from the known to the
unknown, letting some familiar touchstones in contem-"
plative practice provide a gradual ascent to Boehme's mon-
umental cosmology.
1. The student said to the master: "How may I come to the
supersensual life so that I can see God and hear him speak?"
The master said: "If you can sweep up for a moment into that
in which no creature dwells, you can hear what God speaks."
2. The student said: "Is that near or far?" The master said,
"It is in you. If you could be silent from all willing and think
ing for one hour you would hear God's inexpressible words."
3. The student said, "How can I remain silent in thinking
and willing?" The master said: "When you remain silent from
the thinking and willing of self, the eternal hearing, seeing, and
speaking will be revealed in you. . . . Your own hearing, willing,
and seeing hinders you so that you do not see and hear God.'""
practice of Centering Prayer, with its emphasis on interior
stillness as a radical consent to God, might provide an
experiential access point to Boehme's complex cosmolo-
gy. Last summer I had the opportunity to test out this in-
tuition with a group of experienced Centering Prayer
meditators in British Columbia. The material in this arti-
cle emerges largely from our group effort to find a way
into the heart of Boehme's mystical illumination by the
mode of direct experience. My hope is that GNOSIS read-
30 Gnosis
Magazine I Fall
These three little versicles from Boehme's Sixth Trea-
tise ("On the Supersensual Life") are the starting point for
the experiential journey into Boehme. I am trusting that
most GNOSIS readers will have an established meditation
practice, and by whatever method can understand the dif-
ference between their own "hearing, willing, and seeing"
and "the eternal hearing, seeing, and speaking."
In his teachings on Centering Prayer, the Benedictine
monk Thomas Keating characterizes these two states as
"ordinary awareness" and "spiritual awareness." Ordinary
awareness is our usual jumble of thoughts, impressions, and
reactions, fueled by the self-reflective nature of the human
mind; the Buddhists call it "monkey mind." In spiritual
awareness, the mind moves beyond its preoccupation with
the contents of its own thinking and comes to a "resting
in God."While the content might appear to be empty, one
is actually present to a higher level of intensity, coherence,
and purposiveness than is apprehensible though our nor-
mal modes of thinking. Spiritual practitioners discover that
they can sometimes move globally from deep interior still-
ness to right action without the usual "downloading" into
linear thinking. This is key to unlocking what Boehme
means by being "in the will of God."
The first step into Boehme, then, is through the actual
experience of that higher "hearing, seeing, and speaking"
in me.
This higher level is somehow more vibrant and vital,
more charged with a purposive life; it can be mysteriously
infused in us when we, in Annie Dillard's picturesque
words, "do not waste most of our energy spending every
waking minute saying hello to ourselves."
"True Resignation," the title of Boehme's Fourth
Treatise in
The Way to Christ,
is perhaps
concept in all of Boehme's work — the tie that binds the
simplicity of his spiritual path to the complexity of his
cosmology. Again I have found that with some
experiential understanding of what the "resigned will" is, it
is possible to follow substantial parts of Boehme's
cosmology intuitively, even if one's grasp of details
We wrestled hard in our British Columbia group to find
better words for this idea. Many did not like "resigned,"
saying it sounded passive or despondent. The actual Ger-
man is
which means something like "calm" or
"letting go" — that is, "the calm will." It comes closer to
the Buddhist concept of equanimity than to the contem-
porary Western stereotype of submissiveness.
This concept is not unique to Boehme, of course; it
is at the core of the Christian mystical path. Traditional
ways of describing this state (which goes so much against
the grain of our contemporary self-assertive culture) have
included "surrender" and "abandonment to divine
Centering Prayer allows us to catch a more subtle un-
dercurrent in this "true resignation" business. If we equate
the "unresigned will" with Thomas Keating's "ordinary
awareness," we can observe that perhaps the most striking
characteristic of our ordinary awareness is that
it is always
stirred up.
It loses itself in a constant stream of reactions,
worry, and emotional considering ("How well am I doing?"
"Are others appreciating me sufficiently?").
By contrast, the "calm"
of spiritual aware-
ness seems not so much a diminishment of self as a vastly
expanded inner spaciousness in which the true self can at
last come to birth. As Boehme writes, the secret of true
resignation is this: "It does not kill you but makes you
alive according to its life. Then you live, yet not you, but
your will becomes its will."
There is a complete indwelling,
so that the "eternal seeing, hearing, and speaking" be-
comes the functional core of your own being —"the life
of your nature."
This idea gives a glimpse of the subtlety of Boehme's
thinking and his skill in maneuvering around traditional
Christian logjams. For Boehme, true resignation is not
primarily a moral issue ("man's unruly will," as the the-
ologians love to lament) but an
one: it lies in
the nature of the mind itself, with its capacity for self-re-
flective consciousness. Boehme sees the mind as a kind of
lens or magnifying glass that, in the freedom of the human
will, can be turned in two directions. It can be held be-
fore the divine mind, so that it "magnifies the Lord," in
the words of the ancient canticle, or it can be turned in
so that it reflects and focuses on itself; it essentially be-
comes its own light.
Boehme rails in the Fourth Treatise: "We see in Lucifer,
and also in Adam ... true examples of what self does when
it receives external light as its own property so that it is
able to enter into its own dominion in reason. One also
sees [this] in learned men; when they get the light of eter-
nal nature as their own possession, nothing results but
This is a crucial point for understanding Boehme. When
one turns that lens inward, into self, the result is "multi-
plication" of desires, passions, wants, and the general frag-
mentedness of consciousness. This insatiable self (which
Boehme calls "only an anxious and dry hunger")
cally tries to mirror and view itself in being. Only when
that lens is "resigned," held steadily up to reflect divine
light, is there the possibility for the emergence of the true
being of the soul, which is love. As Boehme writes in the
Sixth Treatise:
The student said: "Dear Master! Tell me where
does [love] dwell in man?"The master said: "Where
a man does not dwell there it has its place in man."
The student said: "Where is the place where man
does not dwell in himself?"The master said, "That
is the resigned soul brought to the ground. Where
the soul dies to its own will and wills nothing more
than what God wills, there it dwells. For insofar as
the self-will is dead to itself, it takes for itself the
place, where earlier the self-will sat. There is now
nothing [there],and where nothing is, God's love
works alone."
Foil 1997 / Gnosis Magazine 31
It is clear how radically different this is from main-
stream Christianity, where man is considered to be the in-
terpreter of God's will. Endowed with reason, memory,
and skill, he uses these to discern the will of God and plot
and carry out a course of action.
For Boehme, it is very different. To be in the will of
God, to be in the resigned will, is an immediate and di-
rect opening, at an energetic level, to the Source of all
being. It is a commitment
to turn the lens inward,
to break connection with that eternal "hearing, seeing, and
speaking ."This is to be in the will of God. The rest Boehme
castigates savagely: "No work outside of God's will can
reach God's kingdom. It is all only a useless carving in the
great laboriousness of man. . . It is only a mirror of the
contending wheel of nature where good and evil contend
with one another. What good builds up, evil breaks down;
This text, from Boehme's Eighth Treatise ("Conversa-
tion between an Enlightened and Unenlightened Soul")
is crucial for two reasons. It is the core of the actual spir-
itual practice by which the resigned will is activated. It
also, I believe, holds the key which unlocks the "three prin-
ciples of the divine essence," forming the heart of Boehme's
Again students of Centering Prayer will have a practi-
cal head start here. The practice described in Boehme's
text bears a strong resemblance to the "letting go" (or
"open mind-open heart") practice developed by Thomas
Keating's associate Mary Mrowzowski for the purposes of
recognizing and surrendering the "emotional programs for
happiness" — traditionally called "the passions," or, in
Boehme, "the creatures."
This training, available to all advanced Centering Prayer
and what evil builds up, good breaks down."
Boehme's "will of God," then, is roughly equivalent
to what the ancient Hebrews called the "righteousness
of God": an energy-charged field, not an abstract moral
template. One must find one's way to this energized will-
ing and then abide within it, refraining from all action
apart from it, from one's personal sense of merit, need,
or desire.
The goal of this effort is not renunciation or peni-
tence, but something infinitely more powerful. For just
beyond the storms of personal chaos lies the profound in-
dwelling power of love, the Source and true center.
Boehme says, "If you find it you will come into the
ground out of which all things proceed and in which
they stand, and you will be in it a king over all the works
of God."
Here now is the right place for you to wrestle before the divine
face. If you stand firm, if you do not bend, you shall see and per-
ceive great wonders. You will discover how Christ will storm the
hell in you and will break your beasts.
32 Gnosis Magazine / Fall 1997
students, offers a three-step process combining modern
"focusing" techniques with the traditional practice of "aban-
donment to the will of God." When a troubling emotion
arises, one learns
to focus,
or sink into the emotion by ex-
periencing it deeply and nonverbally in the body;
it, acknowledging that whatever feeling is going on with-
in me in this moment can be endured and encompassed;
and, insofar as possible,
let it go.
Not long ago a friend of mine in Maine had an un-
expected opportunity to work with this practice. Recently
widowed and terribly afraid of her own grief, she sensibly
scheduled an aerobics class at five o'clock, the time when
she and her husband had always gathered by their hearth
for the cocktail hour, a time of special closeness. But one
evening a fierce storm came lashing in off the Atlantic,
covered the roads with ice, and took out the power lines.
There she was, stranded with her grief. Terrified, she
took the first step in the practice and sank deeply into the
feelings, experiencing her anxiety, her grief, her agitation
at being able to do nothing — simply seeing where these
lived in her body. In the next step, she turned and began
to whisper, "Welcome, grief . . . welcome."
"And then," she told me, "a quite extraordinary thing
happened. The stranglehold of grief seemed to let go, and
it was as if some new presence entered me. One moment
I couldn't cope; the next I could. It was that simple."
"If you stand firm, if you do not bend," says Boehme
— that is, if you bring your unconditional presence to this
moment, no matter what its emotional content — "you
will discover how Christ will storm the hell in you and
will break your beasts." What Boehme both picturesquely
and, I am convinced, completely literally describes as "Christ
storming the hell in us and breaking our beasts" is a new
empowerment, an infusion of spiritual strength, brought
about by the process of surrender itself. Through our own
anguished "creatures," rendered up, Christ is mysteriously
activated at the core of our lives.
Those who take on this practice are well aware of its
potency. It is the most powerful path I know for con-
necting the inner consent of meditational prayer with the
outer requirement of unconditional presence in daily life,
so that "prayer without ceasing" becomes a lived reality.
But beyond this, the practice of Boehme's little versicle in
daily life, if accompanied by a careful self-observation,
yields us the experiential data to begin to penetrate into
Boehme's complex cosmological universe.
Let's go back to my friend in Maine and attempt a
more careful anatomy of her moment of "wrestling before
the divine face." If one looks carefully, one can isolate three
distinct components creating the emotional tempest with-
in her. There is first of all the yearning for her husband.
The second is a kind of
inner inflammation
caused by the
realization that what she yearns for is unfulfillable; since
the yearning cannot be satiated, it only grows stronger and
more stinging within. The result, the third component, is
the anguish: her emotional turmoil as the passion and its
insatiability wrestle and writhe inwardly.
Into this matrix of turmoil comes a fourth component,
introduced by the surrender practice itself. This "sinking
down," in Boehme's words, or
surrendering into the emotion
serves to activate some aiding force, a Christ light,
born in the midst of the very materials of darkness. The tur-
moil is the necessary birthplace of the new calm; in some
strange but indispensable way it furnishes the
for the
If you can clearly recognize these steps in the process,
you will essentially have the gist of Boehme's "three prin-
ciples of the divine essence."
In the intricate brilliance of his mind, Boehme asks
the question which few have even conceived: How does
one move from God at rest, from "the eternal, immense,
incomprehensible Unity,"
to God the author of the mul-
tiple diversity that is our created, perceiving universe? What
had to happen internally, in the depths of God, before that
could be spoken? Boehme leads us through a set
of three principles, subdivided into seven properties (some-
times also called "forms"), which occupy the space be-
tween inaccessible and accessible light. They also remain
present in our universe as the driveshaft of all temporal
processes, observable in our own strivings and in all cre-
ated life.
First Property.
Before anything can come into being,
Boehme asserts, there must first be movement ("outflow")
in the endless Unity of divinity. This is accomplished by
creating an "unequal pressure" in the equilibrium of the
divine will by the
of desire. As Boehme says:
"The first property is a desirousness, like the magnet, viz.,
the compression of the [divine] will; the will desireth to
be something, and yet it hath nothing of which it may
make something to itself; and therefore it bringeth itself
into a receivingness of itself, and compresseth itself to a
something; and that something is nothing but a magneti-
cal hunger, a harshness."
This first property Boehme variously calls "hardness,"
"harshness," "sharpness," "sourness." The core component
is yearning, "magnetical hunger."
Second Property.
When there is unequal pressure, some-
thing begins to flow, as one observes in siphoning water,
or in wind and weather systems. Boehme identifies this
"drawing or motion in the sharpness"
as the second prop-
erty, which he calls the "motion," the "stirring," and some-
times also the "sting" or the "astringency."
Here it is important to watch carefully what Boehme
is saying. I have read several commentators who tend rather
glibly to equate these first two properties with the classic
spiritual dualism of affirming and denying. But the second
property for Boehme is not, strictly speaking, the deny-
ing. Rather it comes closer to an inflammation, an
created in and through the very insatiability of the
We have seen this in the situation of my friend in
Maine. The first property would be the desire for her hus-
band. The second, because of the inevitable frustration of
that desire, is the
(or in this case, the
fanning of the flames of the desire to unbearable intensity.
It is a subtle point but an important one. In Boehme the
second property is not so much opposing the first as
rushing toward it, like a whirlpool being sucked down a
drain. That whirlpool is the motion, the second property.
Third Property.
This leads directly to the third proper-
ty, which Boehme calls "the anguish." He explains: "For
when there is a motion in the sharpness, then the prop-
erty is the aching [or anguish], and this is also the cause
of sensibility and pain; for if there were no sharpness and
motion, there would be no sensibility."
This is perhaps
core point for understanding
Boehme. What is born out of the struggle between desire
and its insatiability is anguish. But this anguish is also, at
the same time,
the capacity for feeling. Out of
the "nothingness" of the original divine stasis, "some-
thingness" has been born. In this third stage, divine nature
becomes perceptible to itself; the "somethingness"
of feel-
is created, the matrix out of which all else in the vis-
ible universe will be fashioned.
These first three properties, taken together, constitute
the First Principle. Boehme calls it the "fiery" or "wrath-
ful" principle and sees it as part of the eternal nature of
1997 / Gnosis Magazine 33
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