Play to Live 4 - Inferno.pdf

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Play to Live
by D. Rus
Book 4
Play to Live
Book 4: Inferno
Copyright © D.Rus 2015
Cover Art © Kadziro
Translators © Irene Woodhead, Neil P. May-
hew 2015
All Rights Reserved
Also by D. Rus:
AlterWorld (Play to Live: Book #1)
The Clan (Play to Live: Book #2)
The Duty (Play to Live: Book #3)
Chapter One
fragment of intercepted Alter-
World communications. From an anonym-
ous email:
I humbly kiss the Sun God's feet. I de-
sire nothing other than to demonstrate my
loyalty to Him, earning the Highest God's
Allow me to report that the minion of
the False God has cunningly avoided all the
obstacles we so cleverly planted in his way
and laid his hands on the first fragment of
the Heart of the Temple. Moreover, he
bribed the Shimmering Beast by granting
her the name of Tigress, thus tricking her
into surrendering the treasure to him. Allow
me to enquire in trepidation: is the remain-
ing Heart fragment safely hidden from pry-
ing eyes? My wits leave me at the thought
that the Great Artifact may be brought back
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