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Play to Live
by D. Rus
Book 5
The Battle
Play to Live
Book 5: The Battle
Copyright © D.Rus 2014
Cover Art © Kadziro
Translator © Alisa Bogodarova 2015
Editors © Irene Woodhead, Neil P. Mayhew 2015
All Rights Reserved
Also by D. Rus:
AlterWorld (Play to Live: Book #1)
The Clan (Play to Live: Book #2)
The Duty (Play to Live: Book #3)
Inferno (Play to Live: Book #4)
Chapter One
ame menu: Activating Broody Hen skill...
... System language: Calling a series of scripts...
... Hardware usage: Allocating 0.08% of server resources...
... Loading world metrics: Locating a soul for the newborn creature... Negative response.
Spawning consciousness from the Void’s amorphous pool.
... An echo passed through the Virtual Worlds: No response. There wasn’t a single being
or avatar powerful enough to break through the Barrier.
"Raaaawrrr!!!" the risen creature’s solemn roar shattered the temple’s stained glass
The Basilisk froze for a moment, hearkening to the sounds of the astral world, then uttered
a sorrowful moan, "Alone! Alone in the entire world! Only somewhere far East, several days’ walk
from here, glimmers the spark of the Unborn King, in need of service and protection."
An emotional upsurge of such proportions made the mighty creature suffer, whereas it
would’ve killed off any smaller creatures. Or it might have turned them to stone, as in the
Basilisk’s case.
It was just like when whales turn insane from the sonar sounds of submarines and cast
themselves onto the shore. Just how flocks of birds get their brains baked when hit by the AAA’s
antimissile radiation.
The thousands of intelligent parasites swarming under the Basilisk’s feet suddenly became
enraged. Hundreds of them got stomped into the royal stone. But the rest showed their nasty
attitude. Steel glistened as they swung their blades. The background magic rose twofold, causing
burning pain.
A swing of the mighty tail finished off the weaklings. The flashing eyes behind the
impenetrable transparent film cast fear into the minds of the enemy, slowing their attack. The
Basilisk rose to its full height, its shoulder blades pressing into the dome of its stony trap. With
difficulty, it turned its armored muzzle to the East. Ancestral duty called. To defend the King, that
was its first priority.
The walls reinforced with magic shook but did not give. Yet the damage from the irritating
little insects could no longer be ignored.
"Raaaawrrr!!!" the furious Basilisk used a badass ability from its abundant arsenal of
The astral echo beefed up the ancient magic. It liquefied molecular bonds, damaging the
ammunition and sharply interrupting all enemy attacks.
Thousands of arrows dug into the armor. Drops of colored poison bubbled and sizzled on
the scaly hide. The sticky flame reluctantly flowed down the giant body, burning right through the
monster’s flesh.
The background magic rose beyond all reason. The portals to the divine abodes hummed
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