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#paragraph or run style ID => html element.classname
p.Subtitle => h4.subtitle

#paragraph or run style NAME => html element.classname
p[style-name='Body Text First Indent'] => p.first:fresh

# if you don't use ":fresh", all consecutive same styles will be lumped into one html element.
p.TextBodyIndent => p:fresh
p.HorizontalLine => hr.sigil_split_marker

# If you don't want your end|footnotes "sup"ed, then change it here.
r[style-name='Footnote anchor'] => sup.footnote_anchor
#r[style-name='Endnote anchor'] => sup.endnote_anchor
r[style-name='Endnote anchor'] => span.endnote_anchor

# Uncomment these next two if you don't like the default <em> and <strong>
#b => b
#i => i
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin