128 The New English Speaking Forums Are.pdf

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The New English Speaking Forums Are Great!
Hi everyone! I'm happy to say that our new Forums are ready and going strong.
In fact, the new Forums are very active right now. Lots of new members are joining the discussions.
Its great to meet so many interesting people from so many interesting places! Very exciting :)
The new Forums have a lot of great features. Members can now create detailed profiles, with
pictures, avatars, Friends lists, web links, hobbies, and anything else they want to include. Also,
members can rate each other--- so we all know who the super-helpful members are ;)
Another fun thing about the new Forums is we can now create polls and votes. At the moment, for
example, we are voting about where to meet in Europe this year.
Sri is organizing an Effortless English Club gathering/party in Europe this Fall. She's definitely one
of our Super-Members!
We plan to meet somewhere in Europe and get to know each other face to face. I'm excited to make
new friends with our European members.
And I plan to invite Chris (the partner teacher on the Flow English Lessons) and Kristin (our
customer service manager.. and my partner for the upcoming Movie Lessons) and maybe Kim (who
will be helping me create some Effortless Healthcare Conversations). Of course, my wife Tomoe
will also be coming.
It should be a great party!
In between partying, I also hope to discuss future plans and ideas with the members. I'd like to
discuss the following topics:
* How to reach more people and get more members
* What kind of new mp3 English Lessons I should create
* How to make the new Forums even better
* How to encourage more communication and more friendship between members
All of this is very exciting. The Effortless English Club is growing into a very fun, interesting, and
active international community.
I hope more of you will
buy our English Speaking Lessons
and join us in the Club. We hope you
will join our community!
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