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Name              ____________________________

Class              ____________________________

2  Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   A


1              Complete the dialogues. Use the verbs in brackets in the present perfect simple or the past simple.

Example:              I’ve been to Beijing, but I’ve never been (not / go) to Shanghai.

Petra              1________ (you / remember) to pay that cheque into the bank?

Alan              Yes, it went in this morning.


Tom              2________ (you / ever / borrow) anyone’s car?

Dave              Yes, I borrowed my brother’s and I crashed it!


Anna              Hi, can I speak to Sally, please?

Beth              I’m sorry, she 3________ (just / go) out.


Doctor              What seems to be the problem?

John              I 4________ (fall) over playing volleyball. I think I 5________ (break) my finger.


Peter              How long 6________ (you / know) Mike?

Liz              Well, we 7________ (meet) in 2008 and we’ve been good friends ever since.




2              Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example:              You’ve been working / worked hard for months – you need a holiday.

1              How long have you been saving up / do you save up for a motorbike?

2              He’s learning / been learning Chinese for three years now.

3              I’ve been planning / planned my visit to the Amazon for years.

4              She’s known / been knowing him for years.

5              Don’t worry. I haven’t been crying / cried – I’ve got a cold.

6              He’s disliked / been disliking bananas since he was a child.

7              I’ve had / been having the same bank account since I was a student.




3              Complete the time expressions with for or since.

Example:              for many years

1              ____ 2003

2              ____ we met in college

3              ____ a very long time

4              ____ the lesson began

5              ____ a couple of months

6              ____ Tuesday





Grammar total




4              Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).

Example:              I’m hoping my boss will raise my salary soon

charge   raise   afford

1              You need to open a business ________ when you start your own business.

              cash machine   bank account   phone bill

2              I think you’ll ________ a lot of money selling clothes in this market.

              do   pay   make

3              Felipe still __________ me the €100 I lent him last month.

              owes   charges   borrows

4              I try to ________ some of my salary every month so that I can go travelling.

              save   afford   cost

5              It’s difficult to get a ________ from a bank during a recession.

              contract   loan   tax

6              He ________ a lot of money from his grandmother when she died last year.

              invested   inherited   took out

7              I’m trying not to ________ money on gadgets I will never use.

              invest   waste   charge

8              My parents ________ me some money so I could buy a car.

              borrowed   owed   lent




5              Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

Example:              Can I pay by credit card?

1              I’ll lend you the money if you promise to pay it ____ by next month.

2              You really should avoid getting ____ too much debt.

3              I can’t believe how much I spend ____ coffees!

4              For my last birthday my aunt gave me £50 ____ cash.

5              They charged us £10 ____ this theatre programme!




6              Write the synonym.

Example:              very tasty  delicious

1              very funny              ________

2              very ________              positive

3              very angry              ________

4              very ________              starving

5              very frightened              ________

6              very ________              freezing

7              very dirty              ________





Vocabulary total




7              Match the words with the same sound.

afford  worth   honest
money   boiling   owe

Example:              boy  boiling

1              phone              ________

2              up              ________

3              bird              ________

4              horse              ________

5              clock              ________




8              Underline the stressed syllable.

Example:              mort|gage

1              sa|la|ry

2              de|ligh|ted

3              in|vest

4              re|ce|ssion

5              po|si|tive


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