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Name              ____________________________

Class              ____________________________

5  Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   A


1              Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example:              He was watching (watch) a film on TV when I arrived.

1              Jim and I ________ (study) at Bath University when we ________ (meet).

2              You’re lucky I’m still at home. I ________ (get) ready to go out when you phoned.

3              Usain Bolt ________ (win) the 100m in record time.

4              I ________ (already / finish) cooking when Gill offered to help.

5              As soon as I arrived, we ________ (order) our food.

6              Chelsea ________ (win) 2–0 at half time, but they lost the match 3–2.

7              They were tired when they arrived. They ________ (not sleep) for 24 hours.

8              He ________ (just / score) before the referee blew the final whistle.

9              I ________ (think) about her at 9.00 and then she ________ (ring) me!

10              Last week my boss ________ (say) he would give me a pay rise.




2              Complete the sentences with used to / didn’t use to / Did … use to, or the present simple + usually.

Example:              I used to behave (behave) badly at school, but now I study hard.

1              You never ________ (watch) sport. Why do you do it now?

2              I ________ (be) an architect, but then I trained to be a graphic designer.

3              She ________ (go) shopping on Wednesdays because it’s market day.

4              ________ (you / work) in the Oxford Street office before you came here?

5              When we were young, we often ________ (play) football in the park.

6              I ________ (not / like) Jane much, but now we get on really well.

7              Tommaso ________ (eat) here on Fridays, so we might see him.

8              She ________ (not / be) so quiet. She must be tired today.





Grammar total




3              Write the people and places.

Example:              The most important member of the team.  captain

1              The place where a big football match is played.  ________

2              The person who makes the players follow the rules.  ________

3              The place where you ski on a mountain.  ________

4              The people who support a team or player.  ________

5              The person who helps the players train.  ________

6              The thing on which racing cars go round.  ________




4              Complete the sentences with a verb.

Example:              My team won easily this morning, 5–0.

1              We managed to get a goal in the last minute, so we ________ 2–2.

2              Djokovic ________ Murray and won the final.

3              They ________ injured playing rugby at school.

4              I play tennis, and I also ________ t’ai-chi.

5              In basketball you ________ by getting the ball through the hoop.

6              We ________ very hard the week before a big match.




5              Underline the correct word(s).

Example:              We became / got married in 1998.

1              I can’t believe Jake and Suzy have broken over / up. They seemed so happy.

2              You must meet Paolo. He’s a really close / personal friend of mine.

3              They met / knew their new teacher for the first time this morning.

4              We were trying to keep in touch / get in touch with Juan all morning.

5              Mary and Roberto are / have a lot in common, so they get on really well.

6              You’ll like Tim when you get to know / fall out with him.

7              My best friend / flatmate is coming round for a meal tonight.

8              I lost / kept in touch with Rafa ages ago, but then found him on Facebook.





Vocabulary total




6              Match the words with the same sound.

caught  cheat  slope
hurt  won  lose

Example:              boot   lose

1              phone              ________

2              up              ________

3              tree              ________

4              horse              ________

5              bird              ________






7              Underline the stressed syllable.

Example:              sta|di|um

1              in|di|vi|du|al

2              re|fe|ree

3              co|lleague

4              spec|ta|tor

5              fi|an|cé





Pronunciation total




Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total




Name              ____________________________

Class              ____________________________

5  Reading and Writing   A


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