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1 The parablis of Salomon, the sone of Dauid, king of Israel;

2 to kunne wisdom and kunnyng;

3 to vndurstonde the wordis of prudence; and to take the lernyng of teching; to take riytfulnesse, and dom, and equyte;

4 that felnesse be youun to litle children, and kunnyng, and vndurstonding to a yong wexynge man.

5 A wise man heringe schal be wisere; and a man vndurstondinge schal holde gouernails.

6 He schal perseyue a parable, and expownyng; the wordis of wise men, and the derk figuratif spechis of hem.

7 The drede of the Lord is the bigynning of wisdom; foolis dispisen wisdom and teching.

8 My sone, here thou the teching of thi fadir, and forsake thou not the lawe of thi modir;

9 that grace be addid, ethir encreessid, to thin heed, and a bie to thi necke.

10 Mi sone, if synneris flateren thee, assente thou not to hem.

11 If thei seien, Come thou with vs, sette we aspies to blood, hide we snaris of disseitis ayens an innocent without cause;

12 swolowe we him, as helle swolowith a man lyuynge; and al hool, as goynge doun in to a lake; we schulen fynde al preciouse catel,

13 we schulen fille oure housis with spuylis; sende thou lot with vs,

14 o purs be of vs alle;

15 my sone, go thou not with hem; forbede thi foot fro the pathis of hem.

16 For the feet of hem rennen to yuel; and thei hasten to schede out blood.

17 But a net is leid in veyn bifore the iyen of briddis, that han wengis.

18 Also `thilke wickid disseyueris setten aspies ayens her owne blood; and maken redi fraudis ayens her soulis.

19 So the pathis of ech auerouse man rauyschen the soulis of hem that welden.

20 Wisdom prechith with outforth; in stretis it yyueth his vois.

21 It crieth ofte in the heed of cumpenyes; in the leeues of yatis of the citee it bringith forth hise wordis,

22 and seith, Hou long, ye litle men in wit, louen yong childhod, and foolis schulen coueyte tho thingis, that ben harmful to hem silf, and vnprudent men schulen hate kunnyng?

23 Be ye conuertid at my repreuyng; lo, Y schal profre forth to you my spirit, and Y schal schewe my wordis.

24 For Y clepide, and ye forsoken; Y helde forth myn hond, and noon was that bihelde.

25 Ye dispisiden al my councel; and chargiden not my blamyngis.

26 And Y schal leiye in youre perisching; and Y schal scorne you, whanne that, that ye dreden, cometh to you.

27 Whanne sodeyne wretchidnesse fallith in, and perisching bifallith as tempest; whanne tribulacioun and angwisch cometh on you.

28 Thanne thei schulen clepe me, and Y schal not here; thei schulen rise eerli, and thei schulen not fynde me.

29 For thei hatiden teching, and thei token not the drede of the Lord,

30 nether assentiden to my councel, and depraueden al myn amendyng.

31 Therfor thei schulen ete the fruytis of her weie; and thei schulen be fillid with her counseils.

32 The turnyng awei of litle men in wit schal sle hem; and the prosperite of foolis schal leese hem.

33 But he that herith me, schal reste with outen drede; and he schal vse abundaunce, whanne the drede of yuels is takun awei.



1 Mi sone, if thou resseyuest my wordis, `and hidist myn heestis anentis thee;

2 that thin eere here wisdom, bowe thin herte to knowe prudence.

3 For if thou inwardli clepist wisdom, and bowist thin herte to prudence;

4 if thou sekist it as money, and diggist it out as tresours;

5 thanne thou schalt vndirstonde the drede of the Lord, and schalt fynde the kunnyng of God.

6 For the Lord yyueth wisdom; and prudence and kunnyng is of his mouth.

7 He schal kepe the heelthe of riytful men, and he schal defende hem that goen sympli.

8 And he schal kepe the pathis of riytfulnesse, and he schal kepe the weies of hooli men.

9 Thanne thou schalt vndirstonde riytfulnesse, and dom, and equytee, and ech good path.

10 If wysdom entrith in to thin herte, and kunnyng plesith thi soule,

11 good councel schal kepe thee, and prudence schal kepe thee; that thou be delyuered fro an yuel weie,

12 and fro a man that spekith weiward thingis.

13 Whiche forsaken a riytful weie, and goen bi derk weies;

14 whiche ben glad, whanne thei han do yuel, and maken ful out ioye in worste thingis;

15 whose weies ben weywerd, and her goyingis ben of yuel fame.

16 That thou be delyuered fro an alien womman, and fro a straunge womman, that makith soft hir wordis;

17 and forsakith the duyk of hir tyme of mariage,

18 and hath foryete the couenaunt of hir God. For the hous of hir is bowid to deeth, and hir pathis to helle.

19 Alle that entren to hir, schulen not turne ayen, nether schulen catche the pathis of lijf.

20 That thou go in a good weie, and kepe the pathis of iust men.

21 Forsothe thei that ben riytful, schulen dwelle in the lond; and symple men schulen perfitli dwelle ther ynne.

22 But vnfeithful men schulen be lost fro the loond; and thei that doen wickidli, schulen be takun awey fro it.



1 Mi sone, foryete thou not my lawe; and thyn herte kepe my comaundementis.

2 For tho schulen sette to thee the lengthe of daies, and the yeeris of lijf, and pees.

3 Merci and treuthe forsake thee not; bynde thou tho to thi throte, and write in the tablis of thin herte.

4 And thou schalt fynde grace, and good teching bifore God and men.

5 Haue thou trist in the Lord, of al thin herte; and triste thou not to thi prudence.

6 In alle thi weies thenke thou on hym, and he schal dresse thi goyngis.

7 Be thou not wijs anentis thi silf; drede thou God, and go awei fro yuel.

8 For whi helthe schal be in thi nawle, and moisting of thi boonys.

9 Onoure thou the Lord of thi catel, and of the beste of alle thi fruytis yyue thou to pore men;

10 and thi bernes schulen be fillid with abundaunce, and pressours schulen flowe with wiyn.

11 My sone, caste thou not awei the teching of the Lord; and faile thou not, whanne thou art chastisid of him.

12 For the Lord chastisith hym, whom he loueth; and as a fadir in the sone he plesith hym.

13 Blessid is the man that fyndith wisdom, and which flowith with prudence.

14 The geting therof is betere than the marchaundie of gold and of siluer; the fruytis therof ben the firste and clenneste.

15 It is preciousere than alle richessis; and alle thingis that ben desirid, moun not be comparisound to this.

16 Lengthe of daies is in the riythalf therof, and richessis and glorie ben in the lifthalf therof.

17 The weies therof ben feire weies, and alle the pathis therof ben pesible.

18 It is a tre of lijf to hem that taken it; and he that holdith it, is blessid.

19 The Lord foundide the erthe bi wisdom; he stablischide heuenes bi prudence.

20 The depthis of watris braken out bi his wisdom; and cloudis wexen togidere bi dewe.

21 My sone, these thingis flete not awey fro thin iyen; kepe thou my lawe, and my counsel;

22 and lijf schal be to thi soule, and grace `schal be to thi chekis.

23 Thanne thou schalt go tristili in thi weie; and thi foot schal not snapere.

24 If thou schalt slepe, thou schalt not drede; thou schalt reste, and thi sleep schal be soft.

25 Drede thou not bi sudeyne feer, and the powers of wickid men fallynge in on thee.

26 For the Lord schal be at thi side; and he schal kepe thi foot, that thou be not takun.

27 Nil thou forbede to do wel him that mai; if thou maist, and do thou wel.

28 Seie thou not to thi frend, Go, and turne thou ayen, and to morewe Y schal yyue to thee; whanne thou maist yyue anoon.

29 Ymagyne thou not yuel to thi freend, whanne he hath trist in thee.

30 Stryue thou not ayens a man with out cause, whanne he doith noon yuel to thee.

31 Sue thou not an vniust man, sue thou not hise weies.

32 For ech disseyuer is abhomynacioun of the Lord; and his speking is with simple men.

33 Nedinesse is sent of the Lord in the hous of a wickid man; but the dwelling places of iust men schulen be blessid.

34 He schal scorne scorneris; and he schal yyue grace to mylde men.

35 Wise men schulen haue glorie; enhaunsing of foolis is schenschipe.



1 Sones, here ye the teching of the fadir; and perseiue ye, that ye kunne prudence.

2 Y schal yyue to you a good yifte; forsake ye not my lawe.

3 For whi and Y was the sone of my fadir, a tendir sone, and oon `gendride bifore my modir.

4 And my fadir tauyte me, and seide, Thin herte resseyue my wordis; kepe thou myn heestis, and thou schalt lyue.

5 Welde thou wisdom, welde thou prudence; foryete thou not, nethir bowe thou awey fro the wordis of my mouth.

6 Forsake thou not it, and it schal kepe thee; loue thou it, and it schal kepe thee.

7 The bigynnyng of wisdom, welde thou wisdom; and in al thi possessioun gete thou prudence.

8 Take thou it, and it schal enhaunse thee; thou schalt be glorified of it, whanne thou hast biclippid it.


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