Carcassonne Fan Urząd Migracyjny 01.pdf

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Carcassonne – Wanderer and Mayor’s Office
Carcassonne Central
expansion by Leven
Townspeople with a mayor in their lead establish offices to manage their growing administrative and trade
affairs. By means of these offices they can have more influence to the development of their surrounding
country. Besides promoting the extension of trade relationships the steadily forming road-network now
also helps the migration of people searching for better living in nearby cities.
8 new land tiles
6 mayor’s offices (one for each colour)
6 wanderers (one for each colour)
To play this expansion, the mayor pieces of the
Abbey and Mayor
expansion are also needed. The rules concerning the mayors
are unchanged.
At the beginning of the game each player takes a mayor, a wanderer and a mayor’s office of their chosen colour in their supply.
Shuffle the 8 new landscape tiles with the rest of the land tiles. Some of the new tiles include short road sections leading from a
junction to a city or a cloister. These are called access roads. A thief may not be placed on an access road. However, a wagon
may be moved directly from one feature to another by using only access roads.
On this tile every road is an access
road, therefore no thiefs may be
placed here. Farmers may be
deployed to any of the four small
The road does not end at the well, it
continues in all four directions, thus
the two short road segments leading
to cities are not access roads. Which
means that a wagon cannot use them
for moving between these cities.
Thief can only be deployed to the road
leading downwards. All the other roads
are access roads. The farm is not
separated by the bridge.
Three access roads start from the
crossing, one of them leads to a cloister.
Therefore here the wagon can move
from a city directly to the cloister (or the
other way).
Wooden city pieces from the Settlers of Catan may be used (additional colours can be ordered online), or even the barns from the
Abbey and Mayor
expansion (if they are not employed in their original role).
Wooden backpacker pieces can be ordered online. The wagon pieces from the
Abbey and Mayor
expansion may also be used as wanderers (if they are not
employed in their original role).
Carcassonne – Wanderer and Mayor’s Office
Deploying a wanderer
If the placement of a tile creates a new road connection between two previously unconnected cities or a city and a cloister , the
player who placed the tile may deploy a wanderer on the connecting road . If the wanderer is already standing on an other road,
it may be moved to the new road. It is possible to deploy a wanderer to a road network where another wanderer already stands.
Besides deploying the wanderer, the player may also deploy another follower to the tile according to the usual rules.
In deciding whether the features are connected by roads or not, the crossings, the small objects without any function (trees,
bushes, houses with or without a courtyard) located in the crossings and even the lakes with ferries (regardless of the standing of
the ferry) are not considered as route endings. On the contrary, towers, bazaars, catapults, corn circles (and of course cloisters
and shrines) do separate the road network into two or more segments.
With this tile
creates a road connection between two previously
unconnected cities, therefore the red wanderer may now be placed on
the road. Besides, blue scores two points for his completed road.
It is not necessary to complete the road which creates the connection.
connects the cloister with both cities, thus the yellow
wanderer may also be placed on this road network now. In this case
the connecting road is not completed. It continues in three directions
from the well, and stays incomplete on the right side. As the road is
not occupied yet,
may place a thief on the road, too.
creates a new road connection between the two cities
and the cloister, the blue wanderer may not be deployed, as all these
features were already connected through the road network.
scores 5 points for the completed road. The yellow and the red
wanderers stay on the road.
If the connection of two cities is created only by access roads (i.e. it is a connection between two city segments on the same tile),
then there is an additional condition to be fulfilled to deploy a wanderer: both city segments has to be joined to an already
existing city. But no wanderer may be placed if a city and a cloister is connected only by access roads (which is possible with one
of the new land tiles).
creates a new road connection between
two cities, the blue wanderer may not be deployed on
the road as the connection is made only by access roads
and one of the cities do not join an existing city segment.
deploys a mayor on the city segment with a
The same rules are valid for connections between a city and a shrine. Abbeys, however, are never taken into account when determining new connections.
Connecting two cloisters or a cloister and a shrine is also insufficient to deploy a wanderer.
That is, if the two features were already connected before placing the tile, the wanderer may not be deployed.
Carcassonne – Wanderer and Mayor’s Office
The wanderer may be placed anywhere on the road network as it has no fixed position: it can
the whole road
network, i.e. it can be moved to another point of the road network at any time, with the following restrictions: 1) its moving
route may not include the tile where the dragon stands, 2) the ferries may only be used in their current standings. As a
consequence of these restrictions the wanderer can be eaten by the dragon if the wanderer cannot leave its current tile. A tower
can also capture the wanderer, but only if all tiles it could move to is within the range of the tower.
When a player draws a tile with crop circle, and chooses the option when all players have to remove a thief from the playing
field, the wanderers count as well. Therefore the players must remove their wanderer from the field, if they have no thieves
there. A player who has both a thief and a wanderer on the playing field can choose which one to remove.
Scoring by a wanderer
When a player completes a city or a cloister which is already connected to a road network where a wanderer stands , and the
wanderer can indeed
there” (considering the position of the dragon and the standing of the ferries ), the owner of the
wanderer scores points as well. The number of points is determined by the number of tiles the completed feature consists of
(for a completed cloister the owner of the wanderer scores 9 points). No extra points are given for the pennants in a city.
completes a city where both the red and the
yellow wanderers can walk to, thus both players get 3
points (as the city consists of 3 land tiles). Besides,
may deploy a knight in the city, receiving
additional 6 points.
completes a city where
has a
mayor therefore
receives 8 points. As the city
is connected to the road network where the red and
the yellow wanderers stand both
score 3 points (no extra point for the
The tile establishes a new road connection between
two cities thus the yellow wanderer may now be
moved to this new road.
If the road ends at a castle, the wanderer standing on the road doesn’t get points for the castle until it is completed, i.e. until a
feature in the vicinity of the castle is completed. In this case the number of points the player gets by the wanderer is determined
by the number of tiles making up this feature. (According to this, the owner of the wanderer can score even for a completed
road, indirectly.)
The wanderer returns to its owners’ supply when (1) every road that is part of the road network is completed and (2) all features
where the roads end are also completed.
The red wanderer can walk to the completed
cloister, therefore
receives 9 points. Previously
the yellow wanderer has been moved to another
road network, thus
does not score points
for this cloister. Now the red wanderer returns to its
owner because there are no more incomplete
features where the wanderer could walk to.
That is, at least one segment of the road network ends at the city or the cloister.
If the city or cloister was not connected to the road network before the placement of the completing tile, no points are given for the owner of the wanderer.
As opposed to other followers, the wanderer cannot score points on the turn it is placed. Moreover, no points are scored by the wanderer in the turn when it is
relocated to another road network.
If the active player moves the ferry, its final standing counts (because scoring always occurs after the move of the ferries).
Carcassonne – Wanderer and Mayor’s Office
Deploying a mayor’s office
If a player scores points for a completed city by means of his mayor (regardless of who completed the city), he may establish a
mayor’s office in the city. If the office is already deployed in another city, the player can choose to relocate it. It is important
that points must be received thanks to the mayor: it is not enough if a player gets points for the city of the mayor by a nearby
castle, while losing the ownership of the city (because there are less pennants in the city than the strength of one of our
opponents). The office may be deployed even if there is a tie for ownership. (In the special case when more players had mayors
in the completed city and they are tied for ownership, all of them may deploy a mayor’s office in the city.)
has a mayor in the city with
pennant, and there are no knights of other
players in the city,
scores for the city,
and may deploy a mayor’s office there.
The mayor’s office has to be placed on the tile where the mayor stood. Although a tower cannot capture it, the dragon can burn
it by breathing fire.
Scoring by a mayor’s office
If a city with a mayor’s office comes into contact with another completed city or a completed cloister (through a newly built road
network ), or an already connected city or cloister gets completed, then the owner of the mayor’s office scores points as well.
Similarly to the rules concerning the wanderers the number of points is determined by the number of tiles the completed
feature consists of.
By placing this tile
completes the city which is
owned by him thanks to the mayor (and the pennant in
the city).
scores 12 points and may establish a
mayor’s office in the city.
As the yellow wanderer can reach the completed city,
also receives points. Furthermore, the city has
a road connection to the other city containing the mayor’s
office of
also gets points. As the
completed city consists of 5 land tiles, both
receive 5 points.
Now the yellow wanderer can return to its owner (the road
is completed and both cities at the end of the road are
also completed).
Final Scoring
Neither the wanderers, nor the mayor’s offices are worth any points at the end of the game.
The road which creates the connection doesn’t need to be completed in order for the office to score points.
Like a wanderer, the mayor’s office scores no points on the turn it is placed or relocated.
Carcassonne – Wanderer and Mayor’s Office
Tile layout
Version History
First public version (Jan 19, 2013)
New appearance for access roads (Jan 20, 2013)
Final version – incl. an example for the relocation of a wanderer (Jun 2, 2013)
Additional rule clarifications after the questions of Big Guy; new version of the cloister tile (Nov 22, 2013)
Tile quality improvement (Nov 27, 2013)
Correction of tile size and color (Apr 13, 2014)
Tile quality improvement (Mar 8, 2015)
My wife
for helping me to create this expansion with ideas and play tests.
Gantry Rogue
(Gantry) for creating the Carcassonne Central web site where this fan-made expansion was developed and
Matthew Harper
(mjharper) for the Completely Annotated Rules (CAR) for Carcassonne.
(Scott) for inspiring this terrific template, and
Jonathan Warren
(Joff) for making the original template upon which
this one was based.
for making the All the possible tiles expansion, it helped me a lot to create the new tiles for this expansion.
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