1 Usage
1.1 SIM card installation
Make sure that there is no call transfer and call display is on, and PIN code off. The SMS message must in Text format, can’t be identified for PDU format.
1.2 Startup
l Put the SIM card in SIM card slot, device will start automatically, red light keep stable lighting, device light turns off and enter into power-saving mode after 5 minutes.
l In 10 - 40 seconds, the unit will begin to work and acquire the GSM signal as well as the LBS signal and start normal working.
l For first use, please initialize the unit and restore it to default setting.
2 Device Parameter Settings
2.1 Initialization
Send SMS “SBCZ” to the tracker, it will reply “RESET OK” and initialize all the settings. (Default password:000000).
Remark: initialization is resetting all the parameters to factory defaults.
2.2 Set password
Set Password: Send SMS: “# mm #old password#new password#” to the unit to change the password,it will reply SMS: “MM OK”.
2.3 Authorization
Please set authorization number before using, it has 2 numbers can be set.
Send SMS “#BD#1#000000#number#” to set up first authorized number; send SMS “#BD#2#000000#number#” to set up second authorized number device will reply “BD OK”.
2.4 Single Locating
Send SMS“123” (LBS mode), it will reply address: around 118m, jianhui rd, bao’an district, Shenzhen, China.
2.5 Voice Surveillance
Dialing device number, device will get though and enter into voice listening mode.
2.6 Geo-fence
2.6.1 Set up: When the unit stays immobile in a place, send SMS “#WL#semidiameter#”, device will reply “WL OK”. In case of breach, it will send SMS “Geo-fence alert” to the authorized number.
2.6.2 Cancel: Send SMS “GWL” to deactivate this function, it will reply “GWL OK”.
2.7 SOS alarm
Press the SOS for 3 seconds, it will send “SOS Alarm” to the authorized number.
2.8 GPRS setting
User must send SMS via cell phone to set IP, port and APN before starting GPRS.
2.8.1 Setting APN APN standards for Access Point Name and differs from country to country. For more information about the local APN, inquiry from your local GPRS network operator. Send SMS “#apn#password#APN content#APN user name#APN password#”, device will reply “APN OK”.
E.g. send SMS command “#apn#000000#cmnet#”.
Notes: CMNET is the APN content of China Mobile (it has no APN user name and password).
2.8.2 IP and Port setting
Send SMS “#IP#ip address#port number#”. If succeeded, device will reply SMS “IP OK”
Note: “IP” in SMS must be capital letter.
2.9 Check device setting
Send SMS “cx” to device, it device will reply as below:
2.10 Device restart
Send SMS “SBCQ” to device, it device will reply “ RESTART OK”.