RT6 Activation map 2015-1.doc

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Activation RT6 2015-1 Europe maps

1.     First try to install new 2015-1 maps without activation code :

a.      Just FORMAT your at least 4GB or 8GB USB key in FAT32 format and then just copy all files from map RT6 2015-1 maps to just formated USB key:

b.      Then just insert this USB key in RT6 unit, engine must running and go to Navigation – Map management – Mapping and Updating - Update map. If your navigation system don’t required any activation code this mean, that you don’t need activation code for this new maps J (just update your region/country you want – look file Region.txt)!

2.     If your navigation system required activation code, then follow this steps :

a.      First you must copy all files from folder “RT6 Calculator” on the empty USB key and then you must add the two files "CCT.DAT.INF" and "CCT.DAT" from the folder RT6 2015-1 maps

b.      Then insert this USB key in RT6 unit, engine must running and answer "yes" to the question and you will get your activation key that scrolls across the screen in a few seconds (this is your activation key for your RT6 for 2015-1 maps)!

c.      You can now write this key on paper or in your mind J

d.      Your activation code is also automatically saved on your USB key into a new file named License (save) – leave this file on your USB key.

e.      You can now remove the USB key from car, erase all files from USB key except the License file, and copy all files from map RT6 2015-1 maps on this USB key (with License file included).

f.       Then simply put this USB key in RT6 unit and wait for the detection OR go to Navigation – Map management – Mapping and Updating - Update map and select region/country you want (it will need around 20 to 25 minutes per region/country engine must running, you can drive and do the updates, but NEVER don’t turn OFF the engine/car while updating is not completed!!!).

3.     Use “java generator” (here you will need VIN code from your car and file “CCT.DAT.INF” from this new 2015-1 maps).

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