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Lu’s Basic Toxicology
Fundamentals, Target Organs,
and Risk Assessment
Lu’s Basic Toxicology
Fundamentals, Target Organs,
and Risk Assessment
Consulting Toxicology
Miami, Florida, USA
University of Ottawa
Ontario, Canada
Frank C. Lu
Sam Kacew
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300
Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742
© 2010 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
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Version Date: 20130129
International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4200-9312-4 (eBook - PDF)
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Toxicology is an important science. It provides a sound basis for formulating
measures to protect the health of workers against toxicants in factories, farms,
mines, and other occupational environments. It is also valuable in the protection
of public health hazards associated with toxic substances in food, air, and water.
Toxicology has played and will continue to play a significant role in the health and
welfare of the world. Cognizant of the importance of toxicology, the World Health
Organization (WHO) organized a toxicology training course in China in 1982, as
part of the ongoing China–WHO collaborative program on medical sciences. One
of the authors (FCL) was invited to lectures on basic toxicology. The first edition
of this book originated from those lecture notes.
Over the years, a number of important developments have occurred in toxi-
cology. Furthermore, some readers of the book have suggested that discussions on
a few groups of important chemicals and toxicants would not only provide some
general knowledge of these substances, but also facilitate a deeper appreciation of
the various aspects of toxicology. The book has received worldwide acceptance,
as evidenced by its repeated editions and reprintings, and by the appearance of
six foreign language versions (Chinese, French, Indonesian, Italian, Spanish, and
Taiwan Chinese).
This new edition has been further updated and expanded. Thus, there
are chapters on lactation, over-the-counter products, occupational toxicology, as
well as a section describing the symptomatology of the Gulf War Syndrome
and the probable toxicants implicated. A number of other chapters have been
updated/expanded, notably those on carcinogenesis, developmental toxicology,
immunology, food additives and contaminants, environmental toxicology, and
safety/risk assessment. However, details of some toxicity tests have been abbrevi-
ated to keep the size of the book within bounds, the retained material is intended
to portray more clearly the effects of toxicants.
It is hoped that these additions and updates will enhance the usefulness of
the book. In making these changes, the authors have kept in mind the broad aim
of the first edition, namely, relatively comprehensive coverage of the subjects and
brevity, thereby continuing to serve as an updated introductory text for toxicology
students and for those involved in allied sciences who require a background in
toxicology. Furthermore, since toxicology is a vast subject and is fast expanding,
the book is likely to be useful to those who have become specialized in one or a
few areas in toxicology but wish to brush up in other areas. The extensive chemical
index and subject index will facilitate the retrieval of specific topics.
Frank C. Lu
Sam Kacew
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