Armoured Warfare in the Vietnam War Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives by Michael Green.pdf

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First published in Great Britain in 2014 by
An imprint of
Pen & Sword Books Ltd
47 Church Street
South Yorkshire
S70 2AS
Copyright © Michael Green, 2014
ISBN 978-1-78159-381-3
eISBN 9781473841369
The right of Michael Green to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in
accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Armoured Personnel Carriers
Chapter Three
Armoured Fighting Vehicles
Chapter Four
Armoured Support Vehicles
s with any published work, authors must depend on their friends for assistance. Those who
provided valuable support for this book include Jim Mesko, Joe De Marco, Martin Morgan
and Vladimir Yakubov. Paul and Lorén Hannah were kind enough to provide access to their
wide assortment of military vehicle images taken on their travels across the United States. The
pictures from the Tim Kubica collection that came from Thomas F. Meyer were provided by the late
Richard Hunnicutt.
A special note of thanks goes to Ken Estes and Michael Panchyshyn for taking the time to review
the text and pictures for accuracy.
William Highlander, director of communications for FMC, provided the author permission to
access the firm’s picture library. Other organizations that assisted the author in acquiring images for
this book include the helpful staffs of the former Patton Museum of Armour and Cavalry, the National
Archives, and the Tank Museum, Bovington, England. Randy Talbot, the TACOM Life Cycle
Management Command (LCMC) staff historian, allowed the author access to their extensive historical
photo collection. As the images for this book come from a wide variety of different sources
individual picture quality can vary a great deal. Some less than perfect images have been included
due to their rarity.
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