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Use the most suitable tense (PRESENT, PAST, or PRESENT PERFECT)



Principio del formulario

1)     I usually (go) to school by bus.

2) Yesterday morning I (get) up at 6.30.

3) We needed some money so we (sell) our car.

4) " she ever (be) to Spain?"

5) "What Peter (do) now?"

6) Please don't make so much noise. I (study).

7) Water (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.

8) Carol often (learn) with her father.

9) Now Ron (phone) Jill again. It (be) the third time he (phone) her this evening.

10) It (rain) now. It (begin) raining two hours ago. So it (rain) for two hours.

11) you (hear) from Tom.

12) " it (rain)?" she always (ask) me.

13) " you (go) out last night."

14) New York (be) one of the largest cities of the world.

15) This house (cost) 35.000 pounds in 1980.







Final del formulario


Use the most suitable tense (PRESENT, PAST, or PRESENT PERFECT)

Principio del formulario

1. Lend me your rubber. I (make) a mistake and (want) to rub it out.

2. I (see) you yesterday. You (drink) ginger beer at a cafe. But you (not see) me.

3. I (go) to Portugal five years ago. Since then I (not speak) Portuguese, and (forget) nearly all I (learn) there.

4. (You read) Pickwick Papers? I (begin) the book last week and (just finish) it.

5. I (go ) to the Zoo tomorrow. (You ever be) there? Yes, I (be) there last Sunday. I (go) nearly every weekend.

6. I hear you (just get) married. When (the ceremony take) place?

7. We (go) to the Valley of Rocks last Sunday. While we (eat) our lunch there a man (fall) from the rocks and (hurt) his head. We (take) him to the hospital in our car, and (be) to see him twice since then. He (get) better now.

8. Hello, who (you bring) with you? (He have) supper yet? No, he (not have) . We usually (have) supper at eight, but Mary (not finish) yet. She (still eat) in the dining-room. He (not meet) Mary, and she (not know) him, so take him in, introduce him and give him something to eat.

9. What (you look for) ? I (lose) my purse near here and (want) to find it before it (get) dark. When (you lose) it? I think that I (drop) it when I (go) to school this morning.

10. I (look) at your photographs while you (be) out. (You like) them? They (be) not very good.

Final del formulario


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