Richard Dawkins- A Devil's Chaplin Chap 1 Sect6.docx

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Chapter 1. Section 6.

Crystalline Truth and Crystal Balls.


A celebrated film star 'places four quartz crystal clusters in the four

corners of her bathtub every time she takes a bath'. This doubtless has

some mystic connection with the following recipe for meditation.

Each of the four quartz crystals in the meditation room should be 'programmed'

to project gentle, loving, relaxing, crystalline energy towards all those present

within the Meditation group. The quartz crystals will then generate a field of

positive crystalline energy surrounding everyone in the room.

Language like this is a con-trick. It sounds 'scientific' enough to

bamboozle the innocent. 'Programming' is what you do to computers.

The word means nothing when applied to crystals. 'Energy' and 'field'

are carefully defined notions in physics. There is no such thing as

'loving' or 'crystalline' energy, whether positive or no.*

New Age lore also advises placing a quartz crystal in your water jug.

'You will soon appreciate the sparkling purity of your crystal water.' See

how the trick works. Somebody with no understanding of the real

world could make a kind of 'poetic' association with 'crystal clear'

water. But that is no more sensible than trying to read by the light of a

('bright as a') button. Or putting ('hard as') nails under your pillow to

assist an erection.

Try the following experiment when you next suffer from 'flu': hold your personal

quartz crystal and visualize yellow light radiating through it. Then place your

crystal in a jug of water and drink this water the next day; one cup of water at

two-hourly intervals. You will be amazed at the result!

Drinking water at two-hourly intervals is a good idea anyway, when you

have flu. Putting a quartz crystal in it will have no additional effect. In

*And, by the way, the next time you visit an 'alternative' therapist who claims to be 'balancing

your energy fields', challenge them to say what they mean. The answer will be absolutely


particular, no amount of 'visualizing' of coloured light will change the

composition of either the crystal or the water.

Pseudoscientific drivel like this is a disturbingly prominent part of the

culture of our age. I have limited my examples to crystals because I had

to draw a line somewhere. But 'star signs' would have done just as well.

Or 'angels', 'channelling', 'telepathy', 'quantum healing', 'homeopathy',

'map-dowsing'. There is no obvious limit to human gullibility. We are

docile credulity-cows, eager victims of quacks and charlatans who milk

us and grow fat. There is a rich living to be made by anyone prepared

to prostitute the language - and the wonder - of science.

But isn't it all - crystal ball gazing, star signs, birth stones, ley-lines

and the rest - just a bit of harmless fun? If people want to believe in

garbage like astrology, or crystal healing, why not let them? But it's so

sad to think about all that they are missing. There is so much wonder in

real science. The universe is mysterious enough to need no help from

warlocks, shamans and 'psychic' tricksters. These are at best a soulsapping

distraction. At worst they are dangerous profiteers.

The real world, properly understood in the scientific way, is deeply

beautiful and unfailingly interesting. It's worth putting in some honest

effort to understand it properly, undistracted by false wonder and

prostituted pseudoscience. For illustration, we need look no farther

than crystals themselves.

In a crystal such as quartz or diamond the atoms are arranged in a

precisely repeating pattern. The atoms in a diamond - all identical

carbon atoms - are arrayed like soldiers on parade except that the

precision of their dressing far outsmarts the best-drilled guards

regiment, and the atomic soldiers outnumber all the people that have

ever lived or ever will. Imagine yourself shrunk to become one of the

carbon atoms in the heart of a diamond crystal. You are one of the

soldiers in a gigantic parade, but it'll seem a little odd because the files

are arrayed in three dimensions. Perhaps a prodigious school of fish is a

better image.

Each fish in the school is one carbon atom. Think of them hovering

in space, keeping their distance from each other and holding their

precise angles, by means of forces that you can't see but which scientists

fully understand. But if this is a fish school, it is one that - to scale -

would fill the Pacific Ocean. In any decent-sized diamond, you are likely

to be looking along arrays of atoms numbering hundreds of millions in

any one straight line.

Carbon atoms can take up other crystal lattice formations. To revert

to the military analogy, they can adopt alternative drill conventions.

Graphite (the 'lead' in pencils) is also carbon, but it's obviously nothing

like diamond. In graphite, the atoms form sheets of hexagons, like

chicken wire. Each sheet is loosely bonded to those above and below it,

and when impurities are present the sheets slide easily against each

other, which is why graphite is a good lubricant. Diamond is very much

not a lubricant. Its legendary hardness abrades the toughest materials.

The atoms in soft graphite and hard diamond are identical. If you could

persuade the atoms in graphite crystals to adopt the drill rules of

diamond crystals, you'd be rich. It can be done, but you need colossal

pressures and high temperatures, presumably the conditions that

naturally manufacture diamonds, deep in the earth.

If hexagons make a sheet of flat graphite, you can imagine that

interspersing some pentagons among the hexagons could make the

sheet buckle into a curve. Place exactly 12 pentagons strategically

among 20 hexagons and the curve bends round into a complete sphere.

Geometers call it a truncated icosahedron. This is exactly the pattern of

the sewing seams on a football. The football is, therefore, theoretically

a pattern into which carbon atoms might spontaneously fall.

Mirabile dictu, exactly this pattern has been discovered among carbon

atoms. The team responsible, including Sir Harry Kroto of Sussex

University, won the 1996 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Called

Buckminsterfullerene, it is an elegant sphere of 60 carbon atoms, linked

up as 20 hexagons interspersed with 12 pentagons. The name honours

the visionary American architect Buckminster Fuller (whom I was

privileged to meet when he was a very old man*) and the spheres are

affectionately known as buckyballs. They can combine together to

make larger crystals. Like graphite sheets, buckyballs make good

lubricants, probably because of their spherical shape: they presumably

work like tiny ball bearings.

Since the buckyball's discovery, chemists have realized that it is just a

special case of a large family of 'buckytubes' and other 'fullerenes'.

Carbon atoms can theoretically join up to form an Aladdin's cave of

fascinating crystalline forms - another aspect of the unique property

that qualifies carbon to be the fundamental element of life.

Not every atom has carbon's talent for joining copies of itself. Other

crystals contain more than one kind of 'soldier', alternating in some

elegant pattern. In quartz crystals it is silicon and oxygen instead of

carbon; in common salt it is electrically charged atoms of sodium and

chlorine. Crystals naturally break along lines that betray the underlying

*He was billed to give us a short lecture but, unscripted, he held us spellbound for three


regimental drill pattern. That is why salt crystals are square, why the

honeycomb columns of the Giant's Causeway stand as they do, and

why diamond crystals are, well, diamond-shaped.

All crystals 'self-assemble' under locally acting rules. Their component

'soldiers', floating in free solution in water, spontaneously plug

themselves into 'gaps' on the surface of the existing crystal, where they

exactly fit. So a crystal may grow in solution from a tiny 'seed' - perhaps

an impurity like the sand grain at the heart of a pearl. There is no grand

design of buckyballs, quartz crystals, diamonds or anything else. This

principle of self-assembly runs right through living structure, too. DNA

itself (the genetic molecule, the molecule at the centre of all life) can be

regarded as a long, spiral crystal in which one half of the double helix

self-assembles on a template provided by the other. Viruses self-assemble

like elaborately complex crystal-clusters. The head of the T4 bacteriophage

(a virus that infects bacteria) actually looks like a single crystal.

Go into any museum and look at the collection of minerals. Even go

into a New Age shop and look at the crystals on display, along with all

the other apparatus of mumbo-jumbo and kitsch con-trickery. The

crystals won't respond to your attempts to 'program' them for

meditation, or 'dedicate' them with warm, loving thoughts. They won't

cure you of anything, or fill the room with 'inner peace' or 'psychic

energy'. But many of them are very beautiful, and it surely only adds to

the beauty when we understand that the shapes of the crystals, the

angles of their facets, the rainbow colours that flash from inside them,

all have a precise explanation which lies deep in the patterns of atomic


Crystals don't vibrate with mystical, loving energy. But they do, in a

much stricter and more interesting sense, vibrate. Some crystals have an

electric charge across them, which changes when you physically deform

the crystal. This 'piezo-electric' effect, discovered in 1880 by the Curie

brothers (Marie's husband and his brother), is used in the styluses of

record players (the 'deforming' is done by the groove of the turning

record) and in some microphones (the deforming is done by sound

waves in the air). The piezo effect works in reverse. When a suitable

crystal is placed in an electric field it deforms itself rhythmically. Often

the timing of this oscillation is extremely accurate. It serves as the

equivalent of the pendulum or balance wheel in a quartz watch.

Let me tell you one last thing about crystals, and it may be the most

fascinating of all. The military metaphor makes us think of each soldier

as a metre or two from his neighbours. But actually almost all the interior

of a crystal is empty space. My head is 18 centimetres in diameter. To

keep to scale, my nearest neighbours in the crystalline parade would

have to be standing more than a kilometre away. No wonder the tiny

particles called neutrinos (even smaller than electrons) pass right

through the earth and come out the other side as if it wasn't there.

But if solid things are mostly empty space, why don't we see them as

empty space? Why does a diamond feel hard and solid instead of

crumbly and full of holes? The answer lies in our own evolution. Our

sense organs, like all our bits, have been shaped by Darwinian natural

selection over countless generations. You might think that our sense

organs would be shaped to give us a 'true' picture of the world as it

'really' is. It is safer to assume that they have been shaped to give us a

useful picture of the world, to help us to survive. In a way, what sense

organs do is assist our brains to construct a useful model of the world,

and it is this model that we move around in. It is a kind of 'virtual

reality' simulation of the real world. Neutrinos can pass straight through

a rock but we can't. If we try to, we hurt ourselves. When constructing

its simulation of rock, the brain therefore represents it as hard and solid.

It's almost as though our sense organs are telling us: 'You can't get

through objects of this kind.' That's what 'solid' means. That's why we

perceive them as 'solid'.

In the same way we find much of the universe, as science discovers it,

difficult to understand. Einstein's relativity, quantum uncertainty, black

holes, the big bang, the expanding universe, the vast slow movement

of geological time - all these are hard to grasp. No wonder science

frightens some people. But science can even explain why these things

are hard to understand, and why the effort frightens us. We are jumpedup

apes, and our brains were only designed to understand the mundane

details of how to survive in the stone-age African savannah.

These are deep matters, and a short article is not the place to go into

them. I shall have succeeded if I have persuaded you that a scientific

approach to crystals is more illuminating, more uplifting, and also

stranger, than anything imagined in the wildest dreams of New Age

gurus or paranormal preachers. The blunt truth is that the dreams and

visions of gurus and preachers are not nearly wild enough. By scientific

standards, that is.


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