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//********************** Copyright 2008 Broadcom Corp. *************************


// Description:	This file used to add/modify the any device using I2C





//  I2C Settings

//  Device Index: 0--15 Maximum 16

//  Device Type:                0: PMU 1:Camera 2:Audio 3:FM 4:Touch Screen 5:GPS 6-15:others

//  Device Number:              N Note: There may be two Camera used. 0 for empty device, 1 for 1st device and n for nTH device

//  Device ID:                  The I2C device ID

//  Device Bus ID:              0: the first I2C bus 1: the second I2C bus

//  Device Sub Address Format:  0: 8 bit bus width 1: 16 bit bus width



// Index   DeviceType   Device Number   Device ID      Device Bus ID  Device Sub Addr Format

//=======  ===========  =============   ===========    =============  ======================

I2C   0       0	          1	          0x10	         0		0

I2C   1       1	          1	          0x20	         1		1

I2C   2       2	          0	          0x10	         0		0

I2C   3       3	          0	          0x10	         0		0

I2C   4       4	          0	          0x10	         0		0

I2C   5       5	          0	          0x10	         0		0

I2C   6       6	          0	          0x10	         0		0

I2C   7       7	          0	          0x10	         0		0

I2C   8       8	          0	          0x10	         0		0

I2C   9       9	          0	          0x10	         0		0

I2C   10      10	  0	          0x10	         0		0

I2C   11      11	  0	          0x10	         0		0

I2C   12      12	  0	          0x10	         0		0

I2C   13      13	  0	          0x10	         0		0

I2C   14      14	  0	          0x10	         0		0

I2C   15      15	  0	          0x10	         0		0

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