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HG_GREN0 hgrunt/clik(p120) grenade! clik
HG_GREN1 hgrunt/(t30) clik take!(e75) cover!(s5) clik
HG_GREN2 hgrunt/clik clik oh! shit! clik
HG_GREN3 hgrunt/(p110 t40) clik(p120) get!(e78) down!(t30) clik 
HG_GREN4 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t40) of!(e75) god! clik(p110)
HG_GREN5 hgrunt/clik no! clik
HG_GREN6 hgrunt/clik move! clik(p120)

// Player Alert
HG_ALERT0 hgrunt/(t30) squad!, we!(e80) got!(e80) freeman!(t20 p105), clik(p110)
HG_ALERT1 hgrunt/clik(p110) target! clik
HG_ALERT2 hgrunt/clik movement! clik
HG_ALERT3 hgrunt/(t40) shit!(t20), (t50) we! got! hostiles!(p120 t0) clik
HG_ALERT4 hgrunt/(t20) clik(p110) squad!, get!(e80) freeman!, clik(p110) clik
HG_ALERT5 hgrunt/(t20) clik squad!, neutralize!(e90) freeman! clik
HG_ALERT6 hgrunt/(t30) clik clik move!(e75) in! clik(p120)

// Monster Alert
HG_MONST0 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t50) bogies!(t0), my! sector!(t0) clik
HG_MONST1 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t40) clik(p120) we!(e75) got! bogies! clik
HG_MONST2 hgrunt/clik clik (t30) alien!(e85) alert! clik
HG_MONST3 hgrunt/clik clik (t30) alien!(e85) movement!(t0) clik(p120)

// Take cover
HG_COVER0 hgrunt/clik (t30) take! cover!(t0) clik
HG_COVER1 hgrunt/clik (t45) (e75) I!(e80) need!(e80) suppressing!(t20) fire!(t10) clik
HG_COVER2 hgrunt/clik (t45) we! need! backup!(t10) clik
HG_COVER3 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t40) two!(e75) hot!(e80) here! clik
HG_COVER4 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) fall!(e80) out! clik clik
HG_COVER5 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t20) clear! this! area! clik
HG_COVER6 hgrunt/clik (t40) god! damn! clik
HG_COVER7 hgrunt/clik (t40) cover!(e75) fire! clik

// Throw grenade
HG_THROW0 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t40) fire!(e90) in!(e90) the!(e60) hole!(e100) clik
HG_THROW1 hgrunt/clik (t30) take!(e75) this!(e100 t0) clik
HG_THROW2 hgrunt/clik (t35) fire in the(e50) hole clik(p120)
HG_THROW3 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t35 e80) squad, stay down clik
// Taunt
HG_TAUNT0 hgrunt/clik (t30 e75) uhh, we got heavy fire here clik
HG_TAUNT1 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t40) roger, hold position clik
HG_TAUNT2 hgrunt/clik (t40) we!(e80) will!(e75) kick!(e80) your!(e75) ass! clik
HG_TAUNT3 hgrunt/clik (t40) mister, you(e75) are going down clik
HG_TAUNT4 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t40) you got nothing clik
HG_TAUNT5 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t40) request! backup! clik(p120) clik

// Charge
HG_CHARGE0 hgrunt/clik (t40) go! recon! clik(p120)
HG_CHARGE1 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t40) move!(e75) in! clik
HG_CHARGE2 hgrunt/clik go! clik(p120)
HG_CHARGE3 hgrunt/clik lets! go! clik(p120)

// Idle
HG_IDLE0 hgrunt/gr_idle1
HG_IDLE1 hgrunt/gr_idle2
HG_IDLE2 hgrunt/gr_idle3

HG_QUEST0 hgrunt/clik (t25) stay(e80) alert people clik(p120)
HG_QUEST1 hgrunt/clik (t30) radio(e75) check, over clik(p120) 
HG_QUEST2 hgrunt/clik (t20) maintain lookout clik(p120)
HG_QUEST3 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) squad, quiet(e75) down clik(p120)
HG_QUEST4 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t30) hold position, clik
HG_QUEST5 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t30) sweep(e80) that sector, clik(p120) clik(p120)
HG_QUEST6 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t30) uhh, go tango sweep formation clik(p120) clik(p120)
HG_QUEST7 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t30) echo(e75) mission is go clik(p120) clik(p120)
HG_QUEST8 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) fire(e75) team, weapons(e75) check ok clik(p120) clik
HG_QUEST9 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) fire(e75) team, objective foxtrot niner clik(p120)
HG_QUEST10 hgrunt/clik (t30) ok(e75) mission, zero(e75) niner clik
HG_QUEST11 hgrunt/clik (t30) squad, stay(e80) alert(e80) four freeman, over clik

HG_ANSWER0 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t20) uhh roger(e75) that, clik(p120) clik
HG_ANSWER1 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t10) yessir clik
HG_ANSWER2 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t30) affirmative, sir clik
HG_ANSWER3 hgrunt/clik (t30) negative clik(p120) clik
HG_ANSWER4 hgrunt/clik(p105) (t30) roger clik
HG_ANSWER5 hgrunt/clik(p105) (t30) ok control clik
HG_ANSWER6 hgrunt/clik(p105) (t30) that(e75) is, uhh, affirmative clik

HG_CLEAR0 hgrunt/clik(p130) (t30) all(e75) clear sir, clik
HG_CLEAR1 hgrunt/clik (t30) bravo(e75) post, clear clik(p120)
HG_CLEAR2 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) delta(e75) team, clear clik(p120)
HG_CLEAR3 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t40) no sign hostiles sir, over clik(p120)
HG_CLEAR4 hgrunt/clik (t30) no(e80) sign objective sir, over clik(p120)
HG_CLEAR5 hgrunt/clik (t30) no(e75) movement this level clik(p120)
HG_CLEAR6 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t28) sir, sector secure, over clik(p120) clik(p120)
HG_CLEAR7 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t30) command(e75) post, team in position, over clik
HG_CLEAR8 hgrunt/clik (t30) recon, in(e75) position, all quiet clik(p120)
HG_CLEAR9 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) lookout(e90) post, all quiet, over clik(p110)
HG_CLEAR10 hgrunt/clik (t40) sir, I(e80) here(e75) something clik
HG_CLEAR11 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t30) sir, uhh, zero movement, over clik
HG_CLEAR12 hgrunt/clik (t30) area secure sir, over clik(p120)

HG_CHECK0 hgrunt/clik (t30) ok, check(e75) in clik
HG_CHECK1 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) squad, are(e80) hostiles clear clik(p120)
HG_CHECK2 hgrunt/clik (t30) check(e80) in people clik
HG_CHECK3 hgrunt/clik (t30) lookout, check(e75) in clik(p110)
HG_CHECK4 hgrunt/clik (t30) recon(e90) team, check(e80) in clik
HG_CHECK5 hgrunt/clik(p130) (t30) movement check, over clik
HG_CHECK6 hgrunt/clik (t30) check your zone, over, clik
HG_CHECK7 hgrunt/clik (t30) everything(e85) ok(e75) there, clik(p130)


HG_SNOOP1A hgrunt/c2a2_hg_chat1a
HG_SNOOP2A hgrunt/c2a2_hg_chat2a
HG_SNOOP3A hgrunt/c2a2_hg_chat3a
HG_SNOOP4A hgrunt/c2a2_hg_chat4a
HG_SNOOP5A hgrunt/c2a2_hg_chat5a

HG_DRAG1A hgrunt/c2a3_hg_1drag
HG_DRAG2A hgrunt/c2a3_hg_2drag
HG_DRAG3A hgrunt/c2a3_hg_3drag
HG_DRAG4A hgrunt/c2a3_hg_4drag
HG_DRAG5A hgrunt/c2a3_hg_5drag
HG_DRAG6A hgrunt/c2a3_hg_laugh

HG_SUCKS hgrunt/hg_sucks
HG_CIVVIES hgrunt/hg_civvies

// C1A0 intercom\
C1A0_START dadeda vox_login

C1A0_0 dadeda (e95) agent(t0) coomer(t0), report to(e70) topside tactical operations center(e100)
C1A0_1 dadeda inspection team, to(e70) radioactive materials handling bay(e100)
C1A0_2 dadeda (e95) agent sixteen, report to(e70) administration sub level two(e100)
C1A0_3 doop (e95) doctor johnson, please call observation tank one(e100)
C1A0_4 doop (e95 p96) doctor west(t0), please report to(e70) lambda(s0) reactor complex(e100)
C1A0_5 doop (e95) doctor cross, call seven two nine please(e100)
C1A0_6 doop (e95) sargeant(s0) bailey(s0), to(e70) topside checkpoint bravo(e100)
C1A0_7 dadeda (e95) cryogenic safety crew, report status at eleven hundred please(e100)
C1A0_8 dadeda (e95) coded message for captain black, command and(s0 e100 t0) communication center(e100)
C1A0_9 dadeda (e95 p102) sector c(e100) science personnel, report to(e70) anomalous materials test lab(e100)
C1A0_10 doop (e95 p103) doctor freeman, (e95) to(e70) anomalous materials test lab immediately(e100)
C1A0_11 bloop (e95 p98) attention. experimental propulsion lab test fire in(s0 e100 t0) ninety minutes(e100)
C1A0_12 bloop (e95 p98) hydro plant now(s0 e100 t0) operating at(s0 e100 t0) sixty percent(e100)
C1A0_13 bloop (e95) black mesa topside temperature is ninety three degrees(e100)
C1A0_14 bloop (e95) launch officer reports, alpha satellite deploy is(t0 s0 e100) nominal(e100)
C1A0_15 bloop (e95) doctor birdwell reports(e95) superconducting interchange is(t0 s0 e100) activated(e100)
C1A0_16 bloop (e95 p104) attention. report any security violation, to(e70) administration sub level one(e100)
C1A0_17 bloop (e95) attention. service personnel please clear helicopter hangar one(e100)
C1A0_18 bloop (e95) shield inspection(s0) crew reports primary reactor nominal(e100)
C1A0_19 bloop (e95 p98) transportation control reports all systems on time(e100)
C1A0_20 dadeda (e95) doctor victor, report to(e70) supercooled(e100) laser lab please(e100)
C1A0_21 dadeda (e95 p104) sargeant guthrie, report to(e70) topside motorpool immediately(e100)
C1A0_22 deeoo (e95 p98) uranium shipment inspection team, to(e100) sector d(e100)

// C1A1 intercom anomalous materials test lab sector c, coolant resevoir facility sector b
C1A1_0 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn warning, high energy detonation detected in materials lab
C1A1_1 buzwarn buzwarn attention, security personnel to sector c immediately
C1A1_2 buzwarn buzwarn (p102) warning, unauthorized biological forms detected in sector c
C1A1_3 buzwarn buzwarn (p102) warning, unauthorized biological forms detected in coolant maintenance area
C1A1_4 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn any damage control team to sector c immediately
C1A1_5 buzwarn buzwarn warning, sector c elevator failure. do not use.
C1A1_6 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn (p102) biohazard warning in sector b and c(p104)
C1A1_7 buzwarn buzwarn attention. sector c science personnel evacuate area immediately
C1A1_8 buzwarn buzwarn warning, flooding detected on sub level three, sector b
C1A1_9 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn warning, anomalous energy field detected in administration center
C1A1_10 deeoo deeoo (p104) attention. any sector c science personnel, please report status
C1A1_11 deeoo deeoo (p104) attention. sector c science personnel please report status immediately

// C1A2 intercom administration center sector d
C1A2_0 deeoo (e95) emergency cleanup team to(e70) biological waste processing plant(e100)
C1A2_1 buzwarn buzwarn attention, administration personnel evacuate sector d immediately
C1A2_2 deeoo deeoo attention, security personnel to sector d
C1A2_3 deeoo (e95) service team, check elevator one(s0 e100 t0), (p100) sector c(e100)
C1A2_4 buzwarn buzwarn warning, unauthorized biological forms detected in ventillation system
C1A2_5 deeoo (e95 p103) lieutenant backman and cleanup team, to(e70) sub level three(e100)
C1A2_6 bizwarn bizwarn bizwarn danger, turret defense systems activated, sector d
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