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All my respect and love to Shadoe—you
know why.
And to Allie. When I needed it, you pushed
me; you consoled me, cried with me and
took away my ellipses. Thank you.
Author’s Note
Throughout the text there are a number of
Rbquarmli words and phrases. I have in-
cluded a glossary for your convenience.
Planet Rb’qarm, One Fael after the sur-
render of Rb’nTraq
His world was in chaos.
Sick at heart, young Prince Glendevtorvas
exited the prison cell of the high-caste Lord
Glentereion, jaw clenched tight against the
urge to release his rage and pain. The gloat-
ing captive had just confirmed the reality of
the threat the prince had received anonym-
ously. After years of grueling, relentless
battle, Glendevtorvas and his loyal warriors
had finally won the generations-long civil
war, but since hearing the information the
defeated general had smugly imparted, the
victory had chilled to bitter ashes, leaving a
nasty taste in Glendevtorvas’ mouth.
Lord General Glentereion had been happy
to inform the young warrior-prince of the
Lord General’s brilliantly laid plans.
Glendevtorvas had listened in growing hor-
ror to the story of how, even as the enemy
fell in final defeat, a suicide taskforce had
been dispatched to loose a heinous revenge:
they’d introduced an insidious poison into
the atmospheric cycle of the
home world. The poison, tasteless and
deadly, was even now entering the food
chain. Once situated, it would attack one
specialized marker on the DNA thread of
Rb’qarmshi fem,
destroying their abil-
ity to flower, thus rendering all
their male counterparts—sterile.
Having lost their revolt, the enemy cared
not that they condemned themselves as well.
What in the hurdles of
could these
people have been thinking, targeting
their victims? Glendevtorvas shook his head
in horrified disbelief over the unfairness of
his world’s fate. Were he and his friends nev-
er to have a mate…never to sire children?
He had to remember that throughout his
two worlds, males would suffer through this
tragic time along with the
in their lives.
It was his job to comfort his people, yet in his
secret heart the prince doubted his ability to
serve his people effectively.
The war that had raged for over two hun-
dred years was finished, but unless a miracle
came along, so, too, was the
Earth, San Francisco, May 10, 2005
The heat of the wreck was horrific. A dis-
jointed, garish jumble of fractured memor-
ies coalesced into choppy action upon the
screen of Glennora’s dreaming mind, and
she moaned, seeing herself as a young child
thrown from a wrecked conveyance with
great force. Nnora winced as she heard, re-
called, a whimper of pain escaping bruised
lips, saw a tiny thumb popping free of
plump baby lips.
“Mama!” Nnora understood her dream-
ing self to call—the instinctual cry of a hurt,
lost child.
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