Seminar Handbook.pdf

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English Speaking Breakthrough
Getting Started
Who Is A.J. Hoge?
AJ has a Masters degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
from Shenandoah University. He also has an MSW (Masters in Social Work) and a
Bachelors degree in Journalism from The University of Georgia.
AJ has taught English in the United States (to immigrants and international students),
Japan, Korea, and Thailand.
ANYTIME You Donʼt Understand:
Put Your Finger On Your Forehead!
Itʼs very important that you understand what AJ is saying! He sometimes gets very
excited and talks very fast!
Help him,
and everyone at the seminar: Anytime you donʼt understand-- ANYTIME--
make the “Donʼt Understand” gesture... Put your finger on your head. AJ will eventually
notice and will slow down and explain more.
As you will learn later, Understandable Input is the key to learning English. If you donʼt
understand- you donʼt learn!
Peak (Strong & Positive) Emotions = Faster Learning
Negative Emotions = Slower Learning
Dr. Stephen Krashen
Top language learning researcher in the world. Found that negative emotions (anxiety,
stress, boredom) cause slower learning. In other words, emotion is a very important
part of learning. Positive Emotions create faster learning.
Tony Robbins
Top Peak Performance Coach in the world. Likewise found that “Peak Emotional
States” create much faster learning and much faster mastery- of any skill.
“Psychology is 80% of Success
Method is 20% of Success”
-- Tony Robbins
We Can Change Our Emotions
In An Instant!
Our emotions are constantly changing. We can be sad one minute, then suddenly
excited the next minute. Typically, we let outside experiences control our emotions. We
usually react to the environment-- and our emotions change quickly depending on the
However, we actually have total control over our emotions. We can choose our
emotions in any particular moment. We can choose to be happy, or to be sad. We can
choose to be motivated, or choose to be discouraged.
Because emotions have such a strong influence on our Success, we must learn
Emotional Mastery. Emotional Mastery is the number one key to success with English--
or success with anything!
We Donʼt Have Emotions
We Do Emotions
(We Cause Them)
We cause our own emotions-- by the way we use our bodies, by what we think about,
and with the words we use.
We can create strong, powerful emotions by standing tall and strong, smiling, keeping
our chin and eyes up, breathing deeply, and moving strongly.
We can also focus on positive memories and experiences and use positive language.
Motion = Emotion
Use Your Body To Master Your Emotions
To increase emotion, increase your movement!
Your body is the easiest way to master your emotions. You can instantly feel stronger,
more energetic, and happier by changing your body!
Stand taller. Smile big. Breath deep. Shoulders back. Chin and eyes up.
Then move! Jump! Arms high in the air! Shout and celebrate! You will instantly feel
3 Levels of Learning
Level 1: Mental - Intellectual
Level 2: Emotional
Level 3: Physical (Mastery Level)
Level 1 (Mental Only)
Level one learning is purely mental. This is the level of learning in most schools.
It is an important step to mastery, but is only the first step. At level one, there is
understanding, but no mastery. Level 1 knowledge is often quickly forgotten-- and the
learner usually has trouble actually using the knowledge.
Level 2 (Mental + Emotion)
At level two, we attach strong emotions to what we are learning. We learn much faster
and we remember much more. We rarely forget what is learned at level two. At level
two, learners are better able to use their knowledge.
Level 3 (Mental + Emotion + Movement)
At level three, we get learning “into the body”. At this level, we learn intuitively and
unconsciously. What is learned at level 3 is almost never forgotten. The learner can
use their knowledge easily and effortlessly. With English, this is the level of effortless
We MUST Create Emotion While Learning
We MUST Move Our Bodies While Learning
Language Learning Is Caused By One Thing:
Understandable Input
Dr. Stephen Krashen
“Understandable Input (listening & reading), not grammar study, is the key to language
learning”. Input (understandable and repetitive listening and reading) is the key to
excellent speaking, excellent grammar, and excellent writing. Students should spend
80%+ of their time focused on input activities (listening to real English, reading real
Dr. James Asher
Understandable Input is key. For the fastest and most successful learning, students
must combine understandable input (listening and reading) with physical movement.
Dr. J. Marvin Brown
A long silent period is best-- beginning students should spend one full year just
listening, with no effort to speak. Even at higher levels, speech should never be forced.
Through understandable listening, the student will develop near-perfect pronunciation,
fluency, and spoken grammar.
Total Mastery:
Understandable Input (Mental Understanding)
Level 3 Learning (Emotion + Movement)
Repetition (Deep Learning)
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