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Hello there! Overthinked DooM^3 brings together modern enhancements and the spirit of the old school FPS games into Thinking Man's Shooter form.

Small bugfixes. Also, pistol is not hiding HUD when zooming, since I figured that laser sight is not precise enough to be fully useful now. Maybe next week ;>


Hell o there!
Overthinked DooM^3 brings together modern enhancements and the spirit of the old school FPS games, where exploration was very much encouraged and thinking was mandatory.

It's based on the great Denton's Enhanced Doom3 (v2.02) ( ), and it features all of its core enhancements.

Primary goal of the Overthinked mod is to make the game conform to its own visual design, and to make it more immersive. On top of this, there are many small "realism" tweaks.

Secondary goal is to balance out the gameplay, with the spirit of the old school shooters in mind. Now DooM^3's a Thinking Man's Shooter.

Tertiary, I've spend some time on fixing some of DentonMod little shortcomings. Overall DentonMod is very polished, so there wasn't many of them. I hope I got them all.

Please consider this release as Beta. Altough after newest update mod seems to be pretty much stable, not everything may work as intended.


Extract 7z archive to your Doom3 folder, and then either launch the game with

bash code:
doom3.exe +set fs_game Denton0x29aBeta
or choose it from "Mods" submenu in game. Note that it needs 1.3.1 version.


There are two variant:
First is "standalone", second includes Wulfen and Monoxead texture packs, which you can find at .

I've included those packs because many people seem to like them. However, they were made with Sikkmod in mind, and there's an apparent bug with black computer screens when integrated into other mods.
As it turns out, deleting one .mtr file from archive, as suggested, was not enough, so I've tailored them to work with Denton's. Hence why there are two downloads. Hi-Res version can lag even on a decent hardware, so it's up to you to decide which version you will use.

Also, because of my terrible upload rate, I'll update only "Standalone" variant from now on. If you have a variant with extra textures, download latest update, extract it, and then overwrite files when prompted.
Folder inside archive will always be named Denton0x29aBeta.


0) Enemies

Practically every enemy has been reworked in areas such as damage scale in different hitzones, damage dealt, hit points amount, etc. to balance out more powerful weapons. Everything within bounds of reason, so the game should not be too punishing. On the other hand, getting caught by suprise or just plain stupid behaviour can get you in serious trouble. Some enemies have def's that wasn't present in original DentonMod base. Some were given special attention, either bacause of some problems with them, or just because of their sheer awesomeness.

1) Armor

Now armor actually protects you from damage. Losing it is a serious problem. Armor pick-ups are very valuable and you should look for them everywhere.

2) Reloading

When reloading, you'll loose rest of the clip, just like in the real life. It's up to you to decide when reloading will give an advantage, and when it will not.

3) Explosives

Explosions are now much more powerful, because of the glitches related to damage-zone calculations. As Vikram Jadhav said:

Vikram wrote:
If I work again on Dentonmod
I'd like to fix the way splash damage is applied in Doom 3. It doesn't
work well especially when you have different damage zones.

So Rocket Launcher and Grenades are now somewhat situational weapons... And, besides, "A bomb's a bad choice for close-range combat"

4) Iron-sight-ish aiming, because Marine vision is augmented!

Some of the weapons work differently when zoom button is pressed. To indicate it, there's a small "animation" (inspired directly by great Nomad Mod by Nomad Soul), that mimics iron sights aiming.
Effects usually consist of reduced spread, with exception of shotgun that has slightly faster ROF in zoom-mode. Most of the weapons with iron-sight aiming capability will turn off HUD when zoomed.

5) Pick-ups.

Now pick-ups give you exactly as much ammo as it's drawn by iD artists.

6) Weapons and ammo carrying capacity.

It's 2145, Marine is well trained and augmented. On top of this - Mars gravity is only 0.38 of this on Earth, so if Marine would carry 100 kg worth of equipment on his back, he'd feel only 38kg, just about the amount of stuff that real contemporary soldier carries nowadays. Only problem is: where the hell does he hide all them rockets, chaingun belts, two hundred shells each sized like a good'ol D-battery? Sure - his armor probably has some smart electro-magnets that enable him to carry all those weapons effortlesly, but ammo dimensions alone make crawling through airducts at least hard to imagine...

Because of this I've decided to lower maximum ammo bounds. Now every pick-up is valuable. Back-tracking and exploration are very much encouraged.

You will use your whole equipement throughout the whole game, because every weapon matches its in-game description. Knowing your inventory and using it accordingly to the situation is a key to your survival.

7) Details:

7.1) Pistol:

Pistol clips are drawn with a six HUGE bullets inside, so now pistol clipsize is only 6. On the other hand, I've increased its accuracy and damage, so now pistol is a worthwhile weapon, even towards later parts of the game. Discharging full clip at a point-blank range should kill most of the weaker enemies.
One can carry 11 clips + 1 inside weapon.
I tweaked laser sight a little bit so it helps when aiming in zoom mode. It's still a bit off, but this should not be much of a concern.

7.2) Shotgun:

Ammo pick-ups range from eight to sixteen shells.
One can carry up to 50 shells, two inside double-barrel shotgun, eight in pump-action and 5 shell boxes. In zoom-mode, pump-action ROF is increased slightly, because it's easier for the Marine to pull handgrip in this position. ( Such a lousy excuse ;-)

Also, SSG have laser sight from now on. So far it's mainly decorational, but one day it'll become fully useful.

7.2) Machinegun:

Machinegun spread is increased when shooting from the hip, while in zoom-mode it returns to its original DentonMod's razorblade sharp accuracy. There are 30 bullets/clip, with the ability to carry 5 extra clips at a time. Pick-ups give 30 and 60 bullets respectively.
Also, machinegun now has bright, sharp tactical flashlight attached. I've used tga file from DuctTape mod 0.007 for now, due to my lack of artistic skills.

7.3) Chaingun

There is 99 bullets in a belt, with the ability to carry 3 extra belts. In zoom-mode accuracy is increased a little bit, so it's easier to lay down suppressive fire from distance.

7.4) Plasmagun

Plasma has now actual spread! Look at the knockback of this thing!
There are 30 shots / cell, 5 extra cells. Pick-ups give from 30 to 60 shots.
It does not feature iron-sights, because it's directly connected to Marine visual cortex :)
//For all the seriousness, iron sights doesn't play well with railgun mode ;>

7.5) Grenades and Chainsaw

Due to lack of REAL melee combat, and frequent need for clearing out suspicious corridors, chainsaw and grenades are now toggle. I strongly recommend binding them to Q and 1 buttons respectively.

7.6) Rocket Launcher

Now rocket launcher is almost (ALMOST) as powerful as BFG. Both BFG and RL have 4 units/clip. Clips give as much ammo, as iD artists drawn it - from 4 to 8 per pickup. One can carry up to 20 rockets + 4 inside weapon.

(Zeta Update)
Now rocket launcher fires heat-seeking missiles when laser guide is turned off. Just make sure that there are enemies in sight when doing that - in their absence projectiles will find a nearest warm place to detonate, for example this hot pipe right under your feet...


Well, that about covers it...

Happy surviving!
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