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#Table: IV/24/./notes1.dat (cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr)
         |f|              |
         |_|              |
         |P|              |
PK       |K|Name          |Note
000+06.2 | |Trz 41        |Discovered as diffuse object by
000+06.2 | |Trz 41        |Terzan (1985Msngr..42....4T).
000+04.3 |*|IRAS17267-26  |K 5-1.
000-01.4 |M|Bl 3-14       |NSV 24017.
000-04.3 | |Sa 3-117      |WRA 16-363, initial discovery by Wray (1966, Thesis).
001+05.1 | |H 1-14        |Incorrect identification in CGPN; new FC.
001+04.1 |M|MaC 1-5       |V2116 Oph. Optical counterpart of GX 1+4:SS (Davidsen
001+04.1 |M|MaC 1-5       |  et al., 1977ApJ...211..866D).
001+03.1 | |K 5-5         |IRAS 17322-2540: PN-colour IRAS source ass. with radio
001+03.1 | |K 5-5         |cont. source (Ratag, Pottasch, 1991A&AS...91..481R).
001+03.1 | |K 5-5         |S5: Appendix A to Table 1.
001-00.1 |M|Bl 3-11       |CGPN finding chart correct, but it disagrees with the
001-00.1 |M|Bl 3-11       |  coordinates (see Kohoutek, 1994AN....315..235K).
001-01.4 | |Sa 3-92       |Ae 2-S. Design. 001-1.5 given by Allen
001-01.4 | |Sa 3-92       |(1979Obs....99...83A) is wrong.
001-02.1 |*|H 2-34        |Classified also as SS.
001-03.1 |M|H 1-47        |=001-03.2 (Ap 1-7).
001-03.2 |M|Ap 1-7        |=001-03.1 (H 1-47).
001-03.3 | |SAWI 1        |Wrong design. (358-3.4) appears in the discovery paper.
001-03.4 |*|SAWI 2        |Wrong design. (358-3.5) appears in the discovery paper.
001-03.5 |*|SAWI 3        |Wrong design. (358-3.6) appears in the discovery paper.
001-03.5 |*|SAWI 3        |Questionable object, at present kept in the list of PNe
001-03.6 |*|SAWI 4        |Wrong design. (358-3.7) appears in the discovery paper.
001-03.7 | |SAWI 5        |Wrong design. (358-3.8) appears in the discovery paper.
001-03.8 |*|SAWI 6        |Wrong design. (358-3.9) appears in the discovery paper.
001-03.9 | |SAWI 7        |Wrong design. (358-3.10) appears in the discovery paper
001-06.1 |*|CnMy 17       |Classified also as SS.
002+05.1 | |NGC 6369      |V2310 Oph.
002+05.2 | |K 5-3         |IRAS 17276-2342: PN-colour IRAS source ass. with radio
002+05.2 | |K 5-3         |cont. source (Ratag, Pottasch, 1991A&AS...91..481R).
002+05.2 | |K 5-3         |S5: Appendix A to Table 1.
002+02.1 | |Ta 5          |K 5-11.
002+02.2 | |Ta 1580       |K 5-13. IRAS 17405-2535: PN-colour IRAS source ass.
002+02.2 | |Ta 1580       |with radio cont. source (Ratag, Pottasch,
002+02.2 | |Ta 1580       |1991A&AS...91..481R) S5: Appendix A to Table 1.
002+01.1 | |H 2-20        |Incorrect identification in CGPN; new FC.
002+01.2 | |Ta 1567       |K 5-16.
002+01.3 |*|K 5-15        |It may be a variable star with a large amplitude or a
002+01.3 |*|K 5-15        |nova. At present still kept in the list of PNe.
002+01.4 | |JaFu 1        |Near globular cluster Pal 6 (GCl-75).
002-01.1 | |Pe 2-11       |Incorrect identification in CGPN; new FC.
002-02.2 | |M 3-20        |In the field of open cluster Trumpler 31 (OCl-9).
002-03.1 |*|Ap 1-8        |Classified also as SS.
002-03.4 |*|H 2-38        |Classified also as SS.
002-03.7 | |Sa 3-115      |WRA 17-107, initial discovery by Wray (1966, Thesis).
002-05.1 |*|He 2-370      |V2756 Sgr:=AS 293: (Hoffleit, 1970, I.B.V.S. Budapest
002-05.1 |*|He 2-370      |No. 469).
002-05.1 |*|He 2-370      |Classified also as SS.
002-09.1 | |Cn 1-5        |Em 1.
003+06.1 |*|IRAS17269-22  |PM 1-152.
003+04.1 | |K 5-6         |IRAS 17324-2309. PM 1-159.
003+03.1 |*|H 2-17        |Chart given in SECGPN turned by 180 deg.
003+02.2 |*|IRAS17414-24  |K 5-14.
003+01.1 | |Ta 2111       |K 6-14. IRAS 17454-2440. GPS 3.962+1.656 (Helfand et
003+01.1 | |Ta 2111       |al., 1992ApJS...80..211H).
003-04.2 |*|Ap 1-9        |Classified also as SS.
003-04.6 |M|Ap 1-11       |V2506 Sgr.
003-04.9 |*|H 2-43        |Classified also as suspected SS.
003-06.1 | |M 2-36        |Em 5.
004+06.1 |M|H 2-12        |V843 Oph.
004+02.2 | |IRAS17445-24  |K 5-17.
004-04.2 |*|M 1-44        |Classified also as suspected SS.
004-05.2 |*|He 2-376      |Incorrect identif. in CGPN; new FC. Classified also as
004-05.2 |*|He 2-376      |SS. Questionable object, at present kept in the list
004-05.2 |*|He 2-376      |of PNe.
004-11.1 | |M 3-29        |Em 2.
005-01.1 | |IRAS18023-25  |May be between OH/IR stars and PNe (Pottasch et al.,
005-01.1 | |IRAS18023-25  |1988A&A...205..248P). S4: Appendix to Table 1.
005-02.2 |*|MaC 1-10      |Questionable object, at present kept in the list of PNe
005-05.2 |*|He 2-390      |V3929 Sgr (KZP 4026). Classified also as SS.
005-05.3 | |SB 11         |IRAS 18176-2717.
005-08.1 | |Hf 2-2        |Close binary nucleus (reflection effect), orbital
005-08.1 | |Hf 2-2        |period 0.399 days (Bond, 2000, Proc. ASP Conf. Ser.
005-08.1 | |Hf 2-2        |199, 115).
005-18.1 | |SKWL 2-21     |Sa 2-383.
006+03.3 |*|IRAS17448-21  |PM 1-177.
006+02.2 |*|H 2-28        |AS 245 (peculiar). Classified also as SS.
006+00.1 |M|V-V 2-1       |This nebula was not included in the tables of CGPN
006+00.1 |M|V-V 2-1       |(1967PK....C......1P) because the information about it
006+00.1 |M|V-V 2-1       |came too late, but its FC appeared additionally on
006+00.1 |M|V-V 2-1       |Plate 115 of CGPN.
006-08.1 | |Ae 1          |WRA 15-1876.
006-19.1 | |SKWL 2-18     |WRA 16-423, initial discovery by Wray (1966, Thesis).
006-19.1 | |SKWL 2-18     |Sa 2-389.
006-41.1 | |PaRu 1-1      |A06-09 in the Calan-Tololo Survey.
007+02.1 |*|Th 4-8        |Questionable object.
007+01.1 | |Hb 6          |AS Sgr (cst?).
007+01.2 |*|M 3-18        |V2416 Sgr. Classified also as SS.
007-06.1 | |H 1-66        |AS 303.
008+03.2 |*|Th 4-4        |V4141 Sgr. Classified also as SS.
008-01.1 | |M 1-40        |GPS 8.335-1.104 (Kistiakowsky, Helfand,
008-01.1 | |M 1-40        |1995AJ....110.2225K).
009+10.1 | |A 41          |MT Ser (NSV 8841). Close binary nucleus (reflection
009+10.1 | |A 41          |effect), orbital period 0.113 days (Bond, 2000, Proc.
009+10.1 | |A 41          |ASP Conf. Ser. 199, 115).
009+05.1 |*|He 3-1475     |IRAS 17423-1755. Independent discovery Riera et al.
009+05.1 |*|He 3-1475     |(1995A&A...302..137R). Pre-PN in S5.
009-05.1 | |NGC 6629      |NSV 10766.
009-07.1 | |IRAS18333-23  |In the field of globular cluster NGC 6656=M 22 (GCl-99
009-07.1 | |IRAS18333-23  |See also Gillett et al. (1986ApJ...300..722G) and
009-07.1 | |IRAS18333-23  |Cohen, Gillett (1989ApJ...346..803C).
010+18.1 |M|K 2-8         |NSV 20901.
010+04.2 | |V4334 Sgr     |"Nova-like object" (known as Sakurai's object)
010+04.2 | |V4334 Sgr     | discovered by Y. Sakurai 1996 Feb.20.
010-03.1 |M|He 2-396      |V3811 Sgr:.
010-06.1 | |IC 4732       |NSV 11021.
011-07.1 |*|V348 Sgr      |SB 17. [WC11] object (van der Hucht et al., 1981,
011-07.1 |*|V348 Sgr      |Cat. <III/85>). S4: Appendix to Table 1.
011-14.1 |*|HtDe 10       |ESO 524-G?06 (Lauberts, 1982, Cat. <VII/34>).
012-07.1 |M|He 2-417      |NSV 24553.
013+05.1 |*|Sa 3-96       |NSV 24041.
013+05.2 |*|MaC 1-9       |Classified also as SS.
013-04.2 | |V-V 3-4       |Sa 2-341.
013-10.1 | |Y-C 32        |Sa 2-376.
014+03.1 |*|IRAS17597-14  |PM 1-205.
014-05.1 | |V-V 3-5       |Sa 2-351. He 3-1716. NSV 24521.
014-05.2 | |V-V 3-6       |Y-C 25, discovered indep. by Cesco, Gibson
014-05.2 | |V-V 3-6       |(1973A&AS...11..335C). Sa 2-352.
014-06.1 | |SB 19         |IRAS 18367-1916.
016-07.1 | |SB 21         |IRAS 18452-1832 nearby.
017-01.1 | |PN 1824-1410  |No.18-WSRT1 (Van de Steene, Pottasch,
017-01.1 | |PN 1824-1410  |1995A&A...299..238V). IRAS 18243-1410.
017-10.1 | |A 51          |NSV 11642.
017-21.1 | |A 65          |Close binary nucleus (reflection effect), orbital
017-21.1 | |A 65          |period 1.00 days (Bond, 2000, Proc. ASP Conf.
017-21.1 | |A 65          |Ser. 199, 115).
018-01.1 |*|M 1-49        |Peculiar object, at present kept in the list of PNe.
019+00.1 | |M 3-53        |GPS 19.945+0.913 (Kistiakowsky, Helfand,
019+00.1 | |M 3-53        |1995AJ....110.2225K).
020+00.1 | |PN 1823-1047  |No.14-WSRT2 (Van de Steene, Pottasch,
020+00.1 | |PN 1823-1047  |1995A&A...299..238V). PM 1-231. IRAS 18231-1047.
020-03.1 |*|MaC 1-14      |Questionable object.
020-05.1 | |Sa 1-8        |Sa 2-370. AS 326.
021+02.1 | |MaC 1-12      |IRAS 18186-0833: IRAS source with colours like PNe
021+02.1 | |MaC 1-12      |(Manchado et al., 1989RMxAA..18..184M). Confirmed by
021+02.1 | |MaC 1-12      |Van de Steene et al. (1996A&AS..118..243V): 1818-0833.
021+02.1 | |MaC 1-12      |S4: Appendix to Table 1.
021+00.1 |*|PN 1825-0940  |No.19-WSRT1 (Van de Steene, Pottasch,
021+00.1 |*|PN 1825-0940  |1995A&A...299..238V). PM 1-235.  IRAS 18250-0940.
021-01.1 | |M 1-51        |GPS 21.000-1.125 (Kistiakowsky, Helfand,
021-01.1 | |M 1-51        |1995AJ....110.2225K).
023-01.1 |*|K 3-9         |NSV 24539. Classified also as SS.
025+40.1 | |IC 4593       |NSV 7526.
025-17.1 | |NGC 6818      |NSV 24857.
027+00.1 | |M 2-45        |GPS 27.702+0.705 (Kistiakowsky, Helfand,
027+00.1 | |M 2-45        |1995AJ....110.2225K).
028+01.1 | |M 2-44        |GPS 28.597+1.657 (Kistiakowsky, Helfand,
028+01.1 | |M 2-44        |1995AJ....110.2225K).
028-02.1 |*|SP 2-149      |Questionable object.
029-00.1 | |ToDo 5        |29.211 in Jones et al. (1988ApJ...328..559J).
029-02.1 |*|Pe 2-16       |Classified also as SS.
030+06.1 |*|Sh 2-68       |YM 15. HtDe 9, discovered independently by Hartl et al.
030+06.1 |*|Sh 2-68       |(1983MitAG..60..328H); Simeiz 291 (Gaze, Shajn,
030+06.1 |*|Sh 2-68       |1954IzKry..11...39G). WD 1822+008: PG 1159-type nucleus
030+06.1 |*|Sh 2-68       |(McCook, Sion, 1999ApJS..121....1M).
030-07.1 |*|MaC 1-17      |Class...
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