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591PWIQ3 :
	1. fix USB can not work
	2. support AMD K6-2 CPU speed for 350MHz
	3. change AMD 3D CPU string "AMD-K6 3D" to "AMD-K6(tm)-2"
	4. support Cyrix MII CPU 
	5. add "MS IRQ Routing Table" select item

591PWIQ5 :
	1. change default "PnP OS installed" default from "YES" change to 
	2. add item "Report NO FDD for Win95"
	3. chage Cyrix CPU string "Cyrix M II" to "Cyrix M II/IBM 6x86MX"
	4. DMI information "Max CPU Speed" from 300 change to 400		 

591PWIQ7 :
	1. fix can't use WinFast 3D S800 AGP card
	2. fix use IDE CDROM + SCSI HD install Win98 will fail
	   ( 3 select : Win98 : use Win98
			Win95 : use Win95
			VIA   : if use Win98 must use VIA fix file)
	3. add item "PS2 mouse function control"

591PWIQ9 :
	1. support S3 Savage 3D AGP card
	2. fix  "IDE HD + SCSI HD Boot"  fail
	3. enable "USB Keyboard" function will reset in POST
	4. support 4M x 8 SDRAM
	5. support 83Mhz ,95Mhz
	6. support AMD K6-2 380Mhz & 400Mhz
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