The Route V50 (Volvo commercial - short film with Robert Downey Jr.).txt

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{1}{25}The Route V50 - 320x192 - 25.0fps - 12:29.
{192}{265}/I was searching for a place called confidence.
{269}{309}/I didn't know how to find it.
{313}{361}/I didn't know where to look.
{365}{426}/All I know is that I'v been stuck for far too long
{430}{519}/and I really wanted to move on.
{769}{839}That is weird...
{1334}{1398}– Is this your car?
{1402}{1458}– Not anymore.
{1462}{1562}Hey! Whatever happens, don't turn back.
{1800}{1878}/I wasn't sure why the stranger gave me the key to his car,
{1882}{1978}/nor what his consel meant. |/But there was something familiar in his voice,
{1976}{2040}/that inclined me to accept his generosity.
{2044}{2137}/And I drove on east, on route V50.
{2373}{2389}– Hey buddy!!
{2393}{2416}– Get out of my car!
{2420}{2534}– I don't have time to explain. Come on! Come on!
{2563}{2665}Do you wanna find confidence? Well, I know where it is.
{2669}{2731}– What are you doing?! What's wrong with you?
{2735}{2771}I nearly ran you over back there.
{2775}{2899}– No, you didn't. Trust me. Come on. Let's go! Let's go!!
{3139}{3210}– See I... I... I can see myself.
{3214}{3237}– So can I...
{3241}{3317}– No no no no no, what I mean is: if I look real close,
{3321}{3412}I'm right there. I'm right there.
{3429}{3533}– Where? What do you... What are you talking about? Who are you?
{3537}{3618}/Who he was? Why did I let him drive, I didn't know.
{3622}{3702}/All I knew was that my crazy self, was it the real,
{3706}{3796}/and he drove like no one I knew.
{3927}{4058}– Are you sure you should be taking that?
{3962}{3988}Hey! Is that your bag?
{4062}{4157}– Don't worry, you'll figure it out.
{4307}{4382}/It was a relief to see this lunatic go.
{4386}{4494}/But then as I saw I was back in the same town.
{4506}{4627}/I wondered if maybe he'd left some of his lunacy with me.
{5107}{5152}– How did you get back here?
{5156}{5226}– Funny, I was just asking myself the same question.
{5230}{5293}– No, no, didn't you... you just ran off the other way?
{5297}{5336}– No, that wasn't me.
{5340}{5384}– He surely look like you.
{5388}{5461}– It's another me.
{5488}{5536}– So there's three of us.
{5540}{5619}– Yeah... and counting.
{5754}{5793}– Thanks for you help.
{5797}{5877}– Say, can i get a lift?
{5881}{5932}Just to the intersection.
{5936}{6016}– Fine. But I'm driving.
{6054}{6102}/He was the last person I wanted to ride with
{6106}{6177}/but then I could hardly turn myself down.
{6181}{6311}/So we left the bar, got on the car |/and drove south on route V50.
{6318}{6380}/And it wasn't long before I was regretting my decision.
{6384}{6476}– So you're looking for confidence, right?
{6480}{6495}– Maybe.
{6499}{6584}– Confidence, doesn't exist.
{6588}{6689}You should turn back while you still can.
{6703}{6756}– I'm not turning back.
{6760}{6841}– 'I'm not turning back'.
{6871}{7005}/He was a miserable companion, |/who did nothing but moan all the way.
{7030}{7147}/It was a relief when we pulled up at the intersection.
{7209}{7286}– Are you gonna be ok?
{7290}{7342}– I was told you can catch a bus here.
{7346}{7369}– Really?
{7373}{7432}– You should save yourself from a lot of trouble| and catch one with me.
{7436}{7494}– I told you, I'm not turning back.
{7498}{7606}– At least, try to remember to put it in park.
{7731}{7829}/Even though I'd meant what I said about not turning back.
{7833}{7929}/There was something infectious about his despair.
{7933}{8052}/By the time I arrived back at the same town, once more.
{8065}{8127}/I was starting to wish I'd given up.
{8131}{8191}/I can't.
{9482}{9567}– Hey!! Hey, that's my car!
{10113}{10174}– Hello!
{10364}{10496}/I was tired, I was thirsty,|/I was filled with a hopelessness I've never known before.
{10500}{10600}/I couldn't find anyone, not even myself.
{10627}{10712}/And then... myself found me.
{10962}{11003}– How did you get back here?
{11007}{11058}– I was just asking myself the same question.
{11062}{11118}– No, but didn't you just ran off the other way?
{11122}{11174}– Oh, that wasn't me.
{11178}{11246}– Well, he sure.... look like you.
{11250}{11308}– He was another me.
{11312}{11402}– So... there's three of us.
{11458}{11526}– And counting.
{11530}{11616}– Well, thanks for your help.
{11626}{11741}– Hey! Can I get a lift? Just to the intersection.
{11755}{11839}/Knowing as I did that he wouldn't find what he sought,
{11843}{11905}/that we would only return to where he've been before.
{11909}{11996}/I couldn't help but offered, discouragement
{12000}{12065}/and I was tried to persuade myself to give up...
{12069}{12119}– So you're looking for confidence, right?
{12123}{12173}– Maybe.
{12177}{12272}– I already told you, confidence doesn't exist.
{12276}{12348}You should turn back while you still can.
{12352}{12425}– I'm not turning back.
{12429}{12510}– 'I'm not turning back'.
{12848}{12900}– Are you gonna be ok?
{12904}{12955}– I was told you can catch a bus here.
{12959}{12990}– Really?
{12994}{13071}– You should save yourself a lot of trouble, |and catch one with me.
{13075}{13122}– I told you I'm not turning back.
{13126}{13222}– Try to remember and put it in park.
{13406}{13486}/I don't know why I didn't just tell him the truth.
{13490}{13568}/But I had once been him and he would soon, be me.
{13572}{13648}/We're about stuck in some kind of riddle.
{13652}{13755}/I guess I just didn't want to sound crazy.
{14064}{14189}/No, what I mean is, if I look really close,| /I'm right there. I'm right there...
{14777}{14901}– Hey! Move over! |I don't have time to explain, let's go! Let's go!
{14905}{14957}Do you want to find confidence?
{14961}{14999}Well, I know where it is.
{15003}{15055}– What is wrong with you I nearly ran you overback here.
{15059}{15168}– No you didn't, trust me. Put on your belt.
{15401}{15472}– I can see myself.
{15476}{15488}– So can I.
{15492}{15617}– No, what I mean is, if I look really close, I'm right there.
{15640}{15711}– Where? Where? What are you talking about?
{15715}{15752}– I don't know, I'm so confused...
{15756}{15825}– Who are you?
{15960}{16063}– Are you sure you should be taking that?
{16377}{16440}– YEEES!!
{17422}{17473}– Is this your car?
{17477}{17539}– Not anymore.
{17543}{17634}/Whatever happens don't turn back.
{17837}{17936}/I had found confidence, in a place I'd least expected.
{17940}{18007}/And even tough I was back where I started,
{18011}{18095}/I was glad to have arrived.
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