Fortysomething ep 1 En.txt

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{81}{201}Fortysomething - 1x01|Transcript by wizyw (
{995}{1065}This is Paul Slippery.
{1184}{1255}He is 44 years old.
{1592}{1669}His life is about to fall apart.
{2221}{2256}What are you doing?
{2266}{2369}I’m examining my upper arms.|I’m not happy with my upper arms.
{2382}{2448}No woman over 40 is happy|with their upper arms.
{2448}{2519}No, I mean, why are you getting dressed?
{2527}{2601}Why are you getting dressed so…|fashionably?
{2609}{2673}You’re going somewhere.|Where are you going?
{2673}{2734}To work, Paul.|I’ve got a job, remember?
{2803}{2865}Course, of course, you’ve got a job.
{3111}{3197}- Something’s to do with town planning.|- Not even close.
{3232}{3315}What’s the matter with me?|Am I going senile?
{3338}{3379}Yes, I think you probably are.
{3488}{3546}- Did you just say something?|- What?
{3592}{3640}Just then. Did you say something?
{3731}{3795}But that didn’t stop you|hearing it, did it?
{4069}{4124}Estelle, I’ve just had a very…
{4174}{4234}I’m feeling really weird.
{4251}{4326}- Consult a doctor!|- I am a doctor.
{4336}{4402}Good. Well done, stay with that.
{4422}{4488}Now that thing behind you is the front door.
{4504}{4577}Go through it, keep walking,|until you reach the kitchen.
{4594}{4708}In there you’ll find food. Give it to your children!|After that you're on your own.
{4716}{4743}Public relations!
{4774}{4839}Market research…|market… market relations!
{4840}{4876}Goodbye, Paul.
{4961}{5068}Well, good luck with… it.
{5449}{5509}Rory! Are you in there?
{5526}{5564}Are you… alone?
{5607}{5711}- Edwin, is he in there?|- Why don’t you just go in?
{5724}{5791}No fear. There could be|naked women in there.
{5800}{5820}Go in.
{5839}{5881}I thought Laura stayed here last night.
{5881}{5996}She stayed but she slept on the sofa.|You know what I mean.
{6252}{6294}You’re going to Work Experience today?
{6315}{6363}And if so, what work|are you gonna experience?
{6431}{6487}And why did Laura sleep|downstairs last night?
{6494}{6578}And what are the luxury seafood|goujons doing in your room?
{6594}{6659}I thought they were something else.
{6806}{6878}- Olives, anyone?|- Mom does beans.
{6885}{6945}All right, there’s no need|to say it like that.
{6974}{7038}Is Laura here?|What’s up with her and Rory?
{7051}{7076}They had this row.
{7089}{7129}Is that why she spent the night on the sofa?
{7147}{7229}Because generally when she comes over|the two of them are normally…
{7303}{7358}That's great, dad.|What is it that they do again?
{7362}{7456}Oh, I can still remember.|24 hours a day, giving it…
{7493}{7541}- Laura, hi!|- Hi.
{7585}{7644}I didn’t see you standing there.
{7688}{7779}So, what’s all this about a row|between you and Rory?
{7791}{7890}- It was about Daniel.|- Rory seems to think Laura’s interested in me.
{7926}{8024}- But you’re going out with Laura’s sister!|- But she's in Thailand.
{8084}{8140}So are you interested in Daniel?
{8181}{8235}Daniel? Is she interested in you?
{8270}{8316}Where are the beans?
{8566}{8615}Yeah, the beans are|in the cupboard on the right.
{8645}{8698}Well, put the handle back on…
{8723}{8812}Darling, you don’t need a tin opener.|There’s just that little thing you can pull.
{8828}{8864}All right, be careful, it’s very sharp.
{8879}{8908}Okay, bye.
{8956}{8987}How old is he?
{9020}{9096}45, next birthday.
{9190}{9238}Okay, time to go!
{9258}{9301}You’re staying here today, Daniel?
{9320}{9413}You’re a graduate now, shouldn’t you be…|taking over the world or something?
{9426}{9476}He’s gonna try to seduce my girlfriend.
{9518}{9593}- Really?|- I’m gonna chill, feel the vibe.
{9605}{9707}I.e. yes, I am going to|seduce Rory’s girlfriend.
{9790}{9832}Okay, let’s go!
{10310}{10348}See that?
{10380}{10589}That is a fiftysomething|kissing a thirtysomething.
{10599}{10649}In public, at 8:49 in the morning.
{10685}{10721}Doesn’t it make you sick?
{10767}{10818}Would you like a thirtysomething?
{10831}{10950}Certainly not! I like your mother|exactly the age she is.
{10984}{11059}If she was any younger, everyone would|want to get their hands on her.
{11115}{11173}Disgusting old man.
{11234}{11298}Oh my God, it’s Nobby! Nobby!
{11307}{11355}- Paul!|- Who’s Nobby?
{11368}{11447}Who’s Nobby? Nobby's...|Nobby’s a legend!
{11528}{11632}This is a very old friend of mine, darling.|Paul Slippery. Who’s also my doctor.
{11643}{11677}- Hi.|- Hi!
{11690}{11754}You do! You’re desperate for one!
{11765}{11796}No, I am not de...
{11840}{11895}Did you just say something?
{12084}{12121}Well, we have to go.
{12141}{12197}- Goodbye, Nobby's friend.|- Bye.
{12209}{12278}And lots and lots and lots|and lots and lots of love.
{12432}{12507}Hey, baby! Give us some love!
{12959}{13015}Are you waiting for Ashley Ramp?
{13038}{13107}No, Colin Cross.
{13134}{13250}He’s been sent to Scotland.|We’re all going to be sent to Scotland.
{13267}{13323}You're going to see Ashley Ramp.
{13406}{13463}Jackson and Poole.
{13592}{13648}What did you do with the tablets?
{13704}{13756}The tablets!
{13866}{13915}Mrs Neil has cancelled up on you.
{13927}{13993}- Why?|- She says she's not feeling well.
{14080}{14109}Hi, Surinder!
{14118}{14151}Paul, what are you doing here?
{14169}{14270}What do you mean what am I doing here?|I work here! I heal the sick!
{14279}{14385}We discussed this! You don’t work|on Tuesdays, don’t you remember?
{14466}{14526}Surinder, I need to talk to you.
{14619}{14669}I actually think I may be cracking up!
{14697}{14782}I’m serious, I… I can’t remember things.|Anything at all.
{14783}{14847}I can’t even remember when we last had sex.
{14859}{14946}We have never had sex, Paul.|You’re a happily married man!
{14954}{14980}With Estelle!
{14995}{15053}I can’t remember when|Estelle and I last had sex.
{15068}{15119}About six months ago from the look of you.
{15141}{15187}- What did you just say?|- Nothing.
{15218}{15259}Well, there you are, you see,|that’s the other thing!
{15259}{15310}I keep thinking that I can|hear people’s thoughts!
{15319}{15409}I just heard you think that I looked|as if I hadn’t had it for six months!
{15422}{15452}I wasn’t thinking that.
{15463}{15523}I was thinking you looked like|you hadn’t had it for a year.
{15531}{15585}What’s the matter with me?|Is it Pilfrey?
{15604}{15675}Why is Pilfrey getting to me?|Why do I feel threatened by Pilfrey?
{15683}{15728}You feel I invade your space.
{15737}{15783}You feel I’m younger than you! And I am.
{15793}{15854}You’re challenged by my ideas!
{15861}{15908}Ideas! Do you have any ideas?
{15917}{16057}What I have is the future, Paul.|Roll up your Sasco wall plan and hang up your stapler!
{16068}{16119}We’re entering the digital realm.
{16127}{16236}Online surgery, paperless medicine,|digital disease, digital cure.
{16247}{16341}This is year zero, people! Think digital!
{16442}{16508}Ian Duncan to see Dr Pilfrey.
{16551}{16640}That’s Nobby! Nobby’s my patient!
{16685}{16810}- Is Dr Slippery not available?|- He’s not here today, I’m afraid.
{16820}{16871}See? You’re not here today.
{16885}{16978}Can I go into the consulting room|with him and... you know…
{16985}{17052}- It’s all right. You wait here, darling.|- Okay.
{17111}{17170}Lots and lots and lots and lots of love!
{17387}{17472}Go home, Paul. Enjoy the day!
{17557}{17605}These people need me!
{18734}{18803}What is this? You should be at school!
{18810}{18875}It's our art project!|It’s called "My Penis".
{18890}{18957}- You should be at work!|- No, I should not be at work.
{18967}{19058}It’s a Tuesday, and I should be at home,|reconnecting with my family
{19065}{19130}while Estelle fulfills her potential.
{19146}{19215}Yeah, it scares the crap out of you, doesn’t it?
{19224}{19292}- No, it doesn’t!|- What?
{19359}{19393}That’ll be the fridges!
{20421}{20534}- Did they offer you a coffee?|- No, they didn’t.
{20592}{20669}Okay, listen, it’s ding-ding,|all change around here.
{20682}{20776}Some people are off to Scotland,|some people are going to Bristol,
{20786}{20836}some people are going to be sent|even further away.
{20845}{20921}It’s a time of managerial change.
{20949}{21039}Only last week I was made|assistant head of human resources,
{21057}{21143}but then next week I too|may have to go to Scotland.
{21168}{21221}Sir, I don’t think I could go to Scotland…
{21224}{21397}Eventually I’d have to go to Scotland.|Cause I don’t fit in with the Annabelle Goodwin’s lot.
{21407}{21509}I am now and always will be the man|who „ordered the snails”.
{21546}{21568}C’est la vie.
{21646}{21721}Do you want me to go to Bristol?|I didn’t know the job was in Bristol.
{21728}{21788}- Oh no, you won’t be sent to Bristol!|- Oh, good.
{21790}{21927}You won’t be sent anywhere.|You see, the job for which you applied has…
{21949}{22009}...well, disappeared|in management restructuring.
{22089}{22164}- So I’ve been fired?|- No! No, no, no, no, no!
{22176}{22289}For us to fire you we had to have|taken you on in the first place.
{22303}{22429}You see, essentially what we’re doing|is letting you go before taking you on.
{22531}{22624}Sorry. Human resources.
{22784}{22865}No, certainly, if you give me the paperwork,|I can deal with the problem.
{22891}{23076}Right. Well, it’s probably going to be…|Wednesday?
{23304}{23343}Sign here, please!
{23348}{23433}No, I will not sign! I will not sign|because I didn’t order these fridges!
{23433}{23514}- Dad, can I borrow a tenner?|- What would I want with 30 fridges?
{23522}{23605}- 32.|- 32… No, no, don’t put that there!
{23627}{23704}- Please, take them away!|- Cheers.
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